Hi. I’ve been mucking around with
function midiprogram(change)
local midi=renoise.song().selected_instrument.midi_output_properties
local currentprg=midi.program
currentprg = math.max(1, math.min(128, currentprg + change))
rprint (currentprg)
renoise.song().selected_instrument.midi_output_properties.program = currentprg
Trying to get my Digitech Studio Quad 4’s effect preset to change, but while I do notice the change in the Instrument Settings in Renoise upon doing a +1 or -1, it only gets transmitted to Midi when I click on next or prev preset in the Instrument Settings window. Is there some sort of a Midi Transmission I’m supposed to put to use to transmit the Midi information to the outboard gear?
It also seems to get sent when I press play a few times.