Midi to CV (Shuttle Control)


I have a Shuttle Control by Endorphin on my modular and I’ve been running it with a Digitakt. I’d love to expand my set with Renoise for obvious and infinite reasons. However, when I plug it in, Renoise just tells me it “Failed to open the MME MIDI device ‘Shuttle Control v3’!”. Is anyone using a similar setting with a Midi to CV? Is this a compatibility issue? The firmware is up to date and I can access the editor just fine. There’s no interface, just USB and Windows detects it.

There has one a similar problem “Failed to open the MME MIDI device” with Doepfer MCV4

Hab die ganze Problematik gelöst. Der Fehler war einfach, dass ich das falsche Midikabel benutzt habe für den Input beim MCV4. Die Fehlermeldung bekomme ich in Renoise auch nicht mehr. Diese bekam ich, weil ich gleichzeitig MIDIOX laufen ließ und der PC wies aussieht nur ein MIDI-Gerät gleichzeitig ansteuern kann in meinem Fall.

Have solved the whole problem. The mistake was just that I used the wrong midi cable for input to the MCV4. The error message I get in Renoise not more. I got this because I was running MIDIOX at the same time and the PC looked like it could only drive one MIDI device at a time, in my case.

It is probably just a little thing
Good luck

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