haven’t seen this posted here yet:
very nice for running on various handheld/portable platforms, looking forward to what coders can do with it
haven’t seen this posted here yet:
very nice for running on various handheld/portable platforms, looking forward to what coders can do with it
very nice news really. I hope going opensource does not mean MT official branch will be discontinued, as it has always been very active.
Woops, forgot to post here. But good that somebody noticed.
IT-Alien, don’t worry. That’s not why we went open source. It was an eagerly requested development and the code was now mature enough for pailes to let other people look at it as well.
Big thanks to pailes and the whole Milkycrew.
ok, can someone now port it to PSP PLEASE??? and give it IR keyboard support
over 3 years and there’s still no demoscene style tracker on psp
Very Cool!!
Loving MT
Oh, btw - don’t forget my nifty oldschool-collection http://www.trancefish.de/music.php?genre=4
yeah! gawd damn, PSP version would rock my sox!
i’ve officially pleaded in several places …
although, supposedly, according to raina, milky already runs on psp, it just doesn’t have user input ??? i’m skeptical though. maybe that’s just the player that was released a while ago?
i offered to give my IR keyboard to the milky development team but they still don’t seem interested. i guess i will need to plea in more places (i will do some psp sites today)
Milkytracker rocks! I hope someone port it to Nintendo DS sometime as it has great possibilty for mouse and keyboard.
I would not mind seeing it on PSP either, although I can imagine some things could be a pain in the arse. On PSP I use PSP Rhythm, which I find to be absolutely killer!
sorry to post in this "old"thread,but can anyone confirm that milky tracker doesent support wide screen??
how hard would it be to implement it in c++??