Heres a tool to calculate the milliseconds(ms) and frequency(Hz) of the current bpm set in renoise, nothing major, but you might find it handy…its not quite finished as i haven’t added 3rds or 5th etc. yet, but that will come.
I could do with a hand in tidying it up abit, e.g. i can’t fathom a way to add titles/headers to each column that use a different “style” (that might be because i decided to use the dynamic method of building the dialog)…does anyone think it needs to have the floating point numbers rounded up abit? if so, how would i go about doing that? i guess it would be using a “math.something” somewhere near “:format”……dit?usp=sharing
thanks to dblue for getting the ball rolling on this…
[details=“Click to view contents”] ```
– Placeholder for the dialog
local show_custom_dialog = nil
– Placeholder to expose the ViewBuilder outside the show_dialog() function
local vb = nil
– Reload the script whenever this file is saved.
– Additionally, execute the attached function.
_AUTO_RELOAD_DEBUG = function()
– Read from the manifest.xml file.
class “RenoiseScriptingTool” (renoise.Document.DocumentNode)
function RenoiseScriptingTool:__init()
self:add_property(“Name”, “Untitled Tool”)
self:add_property(“Id”, “Unknown Id”)
local manifest = RenoiseScriptingTool()
local ok,err = manifest:load_from(“manifest.xml”)
local tool_name = manifest:property(“Name”).value
local tool_id = manifest:property(“Id”).value
– Main functions
function millihertz() -----------start the main function
local songbpm = -----------call on the songs bpm and store it
local lpb =
local divised = nil —placeholder for the calculated millisecond interval
local hertz = nil ----placeholder for the calculated frequency interval
local vb = renoise.ViewBuilder() --set the name of the viewbuilder
local NUM_DIVISIONS = 13 -----------number of iterations we are gonna run
local division_strings = { --create an array,one position for each row
"1/32 ", "1/24 ", "1/16 ", "1/12 ", "1/9 ", "1/8 ", "1/7 ", "1/6 ", "1/5 ", "1/4 ", "1/3 ", "1/2 ", "1/1 "
– create the main content column, but don’t add any views yet:
local dialog_content = vb:column
style = “plain”,
margin = 15,
vb:row { style = “panel”, vb:text {text = “Beat”}, vb:text { text = " "}, vb:text { text = “Milliseconds”}, vb:text { text = " "}, vb:text {text = "Frequency "}},
vb:row { vb:text {text = “----------------------------------------------”}}
for division = 1,NUM_DIVISIONS do
– create a row for each division
local division_row = vb:row {}
for divising = 1, NUM_DIVISIONS do
if (division == 1) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(32/lpb))) --calculates
elseif (division == 2) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(24/lpb))) --ms
elseif (division == 3) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(16/lpb))) --for
elseif (division == 4) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(12/lpb))) --each
elseif (division == 5) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(9/lpb))) --division
elseif (division == 6) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(8/lpb))) --(row)
elseif (division == 7) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(7/lpb)))
elseif (division == 8) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(6/lpb)))
elseif (division == 9) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(5/lpb)))
elseif (division == 10) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(4/lpb)))
elseif (division == 11) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(3/lpb)))
elseif (division == 12) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(2/lpb)))
elseif (division == 13) then divised = ((60000 / songbpm) * (1/(1/lpb)))
else divised = 0
for freqcount = 1, NUM_DIVISIONS do
if (division == 1) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(32/lpb)))) --calculates
elseif (division == 2) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(24/lpb)))) --hertz
elseif (division == 3) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(16/lpb)))) --for
elseif (division == 4) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(12/lpb)))) --each
elseif (division == 5) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(9/lpb)))) --division
elseif (division == 6) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(8/lpb)))) --(row)
elseif (division == 7) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(7/lpb))))
elseif (division == 8) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(6/lpb))))
elseif (division == 9) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(5/lpb))))
elseif (division == 10) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(4/lpb))))
elseif (division == 11) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(3/lpb))))
elseif (division == 12) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(2/lpb))))
elseif (division == 13) then hertz = (1 / ((60 / songbpm) * (1/(1/lpb))))
else hertz = 0
--------Place the boxes---------------------------------------
local division_text_box = vb:text
text = division_strings[division],------call on the array and use variable “division” to
} ------choose position
local division_ms_box = vb:textfield
text = (("%.3f ms"):format(divised)),------show the number as a float and add units----
local division_fs_box = vb:textfield
text = (("%.3f Hz"):format(hertz)), ------show the number as a float and add units
--------Add the boxes by “hand” into the division_row--------------------------
--------Add the row------------------------------------------------------------
end--------------------------------------end the initial “do for each position in the array”“MilliHertz”, dialog_content)—place the dialog
end-----------------------------------------------end the main function(millihertz)
– Menu entries
renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {
name = “Main Menu:Tools:”…tool_name…"…",
invoke = millihertz
– Key Binding
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
name = “Global:Tools:” … tool_name…"…",
invoke = millihertz
– MIDI Mapping
renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping {
name = tool_id…":Show Dialog…",
invoke = show_dialog
Millihertz now takes the lines per beats into account. Its also possible to add a keybinding. plus theres some more beat intervals for you to play around with. :-) use the DL link above :-)