I have several plugins from DSK. My friends use them and never have had any issues with them, but they have been quite inconsistent for me. In some songs, they won’t load, but in other songs, the same one that didn’t work before will work just fine.
In the song I am working on, none of the instruments with DSK Ethereal Pads will work. I can access the instruments on the VST menu and load them, but they don’t make any sound and nothing I play with them works. I have made sure everything is turned on.
Also, if this is a Vista thing, is there a patch I can download to make Renoise work better with Vista? I have version 1.9.0.
Try version 1.9.1 ?
I’m just trying Ethereal PadZ and works fine here. Renoise 1.9.1 on Vista Home Premium.
But this plug seems a bit buggy.
Renoise 1.9.1 always make a “empty CrashBackup” when I save a song includeing this plug, though the saving is successful.
This is the log.
Version : Renoise V1.9.1 (Jan 29 2008)
Date : 2008-08-11
OS : WinVista Service Pack 1
CPU: Found 1 enabled unit(s) with 2 core(s) / 2 logical processor(s) per unit. 2 cores are enabled in total.
Application: Initializing the API...
QuickTime: Initializing...
QuickTime: Successfully initialized...
QuickTime: Running QuickTime Version: 7318000
GraphPort: Initializing DirectX...
GraphPort: Checking the DirectX version...
GraphPort: Obtaining and configuring the DirectX interface...
GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine...
MIDI: Initializing DirectMusic...
MIDI: Enumerating DirectMusic (WDM) MIDI devices...
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device 'Microsoft MIDI Mapper [エミュレート済み]'
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth [エミュレート済み]'
MIDI: Skipping softsynth WDM out-device 'Microsoft Synthesizer' (not supported)
MIDI: Enumerating Windows MME MIDI devices...
MIDI: Adding MME out-device 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth'
MIDI: Finished device enumeration
DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects...
Application: Creating the main application...
Application: Start running...
Application: Loading the preferences...
Application: Init...
VSTPlugs: Searching for VST plugins in 'C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\'...
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'Arial Unicode MS'
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'MS PGothic'
GraphPort: Fallbackfont was successfully loaded...
ASIO: Initializing
ASIO: Trying to open 'ASIO4ALL v2'
ASIO: LoadAsioDriver ... OK
ASIO: Using SampleRate 44100
ASIO: PostOutput is not supported
ASIO: FillDriverInfo ... OK
ASIO: InputBuffers: 2 availble, 2 selected - Type 18
ASIO: OutputBuffers: 12 availble, 12 selected - Type 18
ASIO: OutputLatency: 692, InputLatency: 692
ASIO: CreateBuffers ... OK
ASIO: ASIOStart ... OK
ASIO: Up and running
Application: Loading the template document...
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug '4Front Piano Module'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:877023310)
Timer: Seems safe to use the 'QueryPerformance' counters...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
GraphPort: Initialising in WindowedMode
GraphPort: Successfully initialized
Application: Init OK
Application: Enter MainLoop...
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll was released
Application: Releasing the old document...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
Application: Loading '-0000テスト.xrns'...
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'Arial Unicode MS'
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'MS PGothic'
GraphPort: Fallbackfont was successfully loaded...
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug '4Front Piano Module'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:877023310)
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
Application: Successfully loaded '-0000テスト.xrns'.
Application: Releasing the old document...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll was released
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
Application: Loading the template document...
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug '4Front Piano Module'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:877023310)
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\4Front\4Front Piano Module.dll was released
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
Application: Saving '-----test-----.xrns'...
Application: '-----test-----.xrns' was successfully saved.
Application: Exit...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: Caught exception in VSTPlug::Dispatch
VstPlugs: Caught exception in VSTPlug::Dispatch
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
Shut down: Released the old Document
Shut down: Stopped the Player
MIDI: Shut down: Closing all acquired MIDI devices...
Shut down: Stopped and released all MIDI-Devices
ASIO: Stop Polling...
ASIO: Releasing ASIO4ALL v2...
Shut down: Stopped and released the active Audio-Device
Shut down: Destroyed the Player
Warning Message: The VST plugin 'DSK Ethereal PadZ (from DSK MusicSZZ)' caused a fatal error or crash: VST event/function: 'Dispatch', Thread: 'GUI'
Warning Message:
Warning Message: Please save the current document under a new name, to prevent losing important data. Renoise will silently ignore any following errors from this plug-in.
Warning Message:
Warning Message: It's most likely that this is a bug in the VST plug, so please report this problem to the authors of this plug-in.
CrashLog: Handling Exception! Code : C0000005
CrashLog: 00a910ec: xmlUCSIsCat +366AEC
Application: Caught an unhandled exception (Thread: GUI)!
Application: Saving a crashbackup...
Error Message: Caught an unhandled exception (Thread: GUI).
Error Message:
Error Message: Nevertheless: A crash backup was saved at
Error Message: 'C:\Users\佐藤 貴士\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V1.9.1\CrashBackups\Untitled_8_11_2008__8_52_crash.xrns'...
Error Message:
Error Message: Please contact <bug@renoise.com> to report this problem.
CrashLog: Handling Exception! Code : C0000005
CrashLog: 008f6342: xmlUCSIsCat +1CBD42
GraphPort: Releasing DirectX...
Version : Renoise V1.9.1 (Jan 29 2008)
Date : 2008-08-11
OS : WinVista Service Pack 1
CPU: Found 1 enabled unit(s) with 2 core(s) / 2 logical processor(s) per unit. 2 cores are enabled in total.
Application: Initializing the API...
QuickTime: Initializing...
QuickTime: Successfully initialized...
QuickTime: Running QuickTime Version: 7318000
GraphPort: Initializing DirectX...
GraphPort: Checking the DirectX version...
GraphPort: Obtaining and configuring the DirectX interface...
GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine...
MIDI: Initializing DirectMusic...
MIDI: Enumerating DirectMusic (WDM) MIDI devices...
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device 'Microsoft MIDI Mapper [エミュレート済み]'
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth [エミュレート済み]'
MIDI: Skipping softsynth WDM out-device 'Microsoft Synthesizer' (not supported)
MIDI: Enumerating Windows MME MIDI devices...
MIDI: Adding MME out-device 'Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth'
MIDI: Finished device enumeration
DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects...
Application: Creating the main application...
Application: Start running...
Application: Loading the preferences...
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'Arial Unicode MS'
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
Exception: Failed to resolve the font file for font 'Arial Unicode MS'.
GraphPort: Trying to load Fallbackfont: 'MS PGothic'
GraphPort: Fallbackfont was successfully loaded...
Application: Init...
VSTPlugs: Searching for VST plugins in 'C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\'...
ASIO: Initializing
ASIO: Trying to open 'ASIO4ALL v2'
ASIO: LoadAsioDriver ... OK
ASIO: Using SampleRate 44100
ASIO: PostOutput is not supported
ASIO: FillDriverInfo ... OK
ASIO: InputBuffers: 2 availble, 2 selected - Type 18
ASIO: OutputBuffers: 12 availble, 12 selected - Type 18
ASIO: OutputLatency: 692, InputLatency: 692
ASIO: CreateBuffers ... OK
ASIO: ASIOStart ... OK
ASIO: Up and running
Application: Loading 'Untitled_8_11_2008__8_52_crash.xrns'...
Timer: Seems safe to use the 'QueryPerformance' counters...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
Application: Successfully loaded 'Untitled_8_11_2008__8_52_crash.xrns'.
GraphPort: Initialising in WindowedMode
GraphPort: Successfully initialized
Application: Init OK
Application: Enter MainLoop...
Application: Releasing the old document...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
Application: Loading '-----test-----.xrns'...
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll
VstPlugs: Plug is a SynthEdit plug (SE version: 80)...
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers for plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Disabled multi processor support for SynthEdit plug 'DSK Ethereal PadZ'
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK (uniqueID:1685285733)
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
Application: Successfully loaded '-----test-----.xrns'.
Application: Exit...
Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating the slave threads...
Player: Attaching to the document...
Player: Start running...
GUI: GUI is constructed
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll...
VstPlugs: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\DSK\DSK Ethereal PadZ\DSK Ethereal PadZ.dll was released
Shut down: Released the old Document
Shut down: Stopped the Player
MIDI: Shut down: Closing all acquired MIDI devices...
Shut down: Stopped and released all MIDI-Devices
ASIO: Stop Polling...
ASIO: Releasing ASIO4ALL v2...
Shut down: Stopped and released the active Audio-Device
Shut down: Destroyed the Player
Shut down: Destroyed the Window and all Views
Shut down: Destroyed the Document
Shut down: Saved the preferences
GraphPort: Releasing DirectX...
Shut down: Destroyed the GraphPort
Shut down: Destroyed the Preferences
Shut down: App is down
Application: Exit OK
Application: Finalizing the API...
So 1.9.1 works better in Vista?
Apart from that it has a lot more fixes, you might also get a few nice feature upgrades along the way.
Various Vista fixes have been made to Renoise since they were necessary.
Your problem could relate to one of them.