I’m not 100% sure if this fits into the bugs category, and I should have reported before, anyway this is a bit frustrating me these days:
add a new automation envelope by double-clicking on a parameter on the DSP list
a new linear curve will be created, with an initial value, but with no final value:
in case we want to create a ramp, this forces us to manually set a value to the end of the curve, and this can get frustrating if we need to set an extact non-zero-nor-one value.
I think it would be quite simple to fix this, by simply putting another, equal value at the end of the envelope
EDIT: in case you are thinking about replying: “what if I need to change the value to the entire line after the creation?”, my reply is: “use the ALT+click option”
I think no, it’s no a bug. But it’s a lack of a couple of features. First, the automation creation (with the double click) ignores the pattern cursor positions, that’s wrong to me. The first automation point should be at the pattern cursor position. Second, would be logical to have a couple of automation point at first and last positions, to show up the user he’s ready to set ramp(s). Third, would nice to see synced highlighting of the automation envelope selected area within the pattern view. Fourth, we need “lines to points” envelope conversion button (and context function for a selection). Fifth, the “points” automation mode should be actually “Rectangle” and visually should be look like bars. Sixth, we should have able to set 2 automation points at the same position in “line/curve” modes to make possible make an automation step without the interpolation between 2 value levels. Seventh, I want to make possible to have few different kind of automation envelopes (for different areas) within one. Thank you!