Just move Mixer EQ low gain slider from -18 to 18 dB several times, on playing sample( i found this on bassdrum). The sound on +18 dB not always the same.
Sorry for my bad english, I try to clarify: low end gain sometimes disappearing on max setting on “low end” slider.
Like this?
Interesting, I can confirm the problem with renoise 3.1 on linux 64bit. It is a purely sonic problem, nothing to do with the frequency response graph, other than it sounds different from displayed an dexpected. Sometime when fiddling around with the slider - the bass boost seems to have no effect, then after some fiddling again, it does. By keeping moving the slider with the mouse, it seemd at random to turn on/off the glitch somehow, I couldn’t find a pattern though. The same can happen with -18db bass cut. hammering a note key with a bassdrum, while moving the slider, it seems like the filter action jumps in/out sometimes. When in glitch state where the boost/cut has no or only little effect, the EQ can be turned on/off with almost no effect other than maybe very few db overall gain - while it should boost/cut the bass quite heavily.
Interesting, I can confirm the problem with renoise 3.1 on linux 64bit. It is a purely sonic problem, nothing to do with the frequency response graph, other than it sounds different from displayed an dexpected. Sometime when fiddling around with the slider - the bass boost seems to have no effect, then after some fiddling again, it does. By keeping moving the slider with the mouse, it seemd at random to turn on/off the glitch somehow, I couldn’t find a pattern though. The same can happen with -18db bass cut. hammering a note key with a bassdrum, while moving the slider, it seems like the filter action jumps in/out sometimes. When in glitch state where the boost/cut has no or only little effect, the EQ can be turned on/off with almost no effect other than maybe very few db overall gain - while it should boost/cut the bass quite heavily.
This !
I can confirm this problem too. Mixer EQ isn’t working properly for me.
Just came across this issue randomly last night, and on search found this thread. Can also confirm this bug.
Sorry for bumping, this bug its still there.
Using Bertom EQ Curve Analyzer I found some abnormal behavior on the mid section.
The values are correctly represented on the graph but do not correspond to reality.
The positive gain does not correspond to the set value but slightly less.
The negative gain is even more unusual; I don’t know if it’s a deliberate feature; In this case, the graph should also be corrected.
With frequency, the values are corrected at both extremes (low and high), but the intermediate values never match.
I attach the file for any tests, (i used EQ 5 plugin as reference) - Bertom EQ Curve Analizer plugin required
Mixer_EQ_Test.xrns (4.2 KB)
This is not the case, just try to turn on EQ 5 instead of EQ Mixer, values are correct.
Yeah I suspected something was off, this is white noise and it cuts at 1 K but it’s around 1.7 K in the dsp.
At what samplerate did you try this? What happens at different sample rates?
48 kHz, same results for all options.
I can reproduce it. Something strange is going on with the Mixer EQ.
That old Mixer EQ thing indeed is just broken in many regards. Should be replaced with a new device at some point. Fixing the existing behavior isn’t possible, as this would break old songs.