Mixer Group Faders?


is it possible to make mixer fader groups?


I’m guessing most of the replies to your question will be: “Use Sends with Mute Source.”


so you can make groups of sends?


it’s by far not the same.

E.g. what I’d like to see is stuff like grouping faders for synchronous volume/panning changes or solo/mute
switching. That’s clearly missing.

For decent mixing processes grouping is essential.
Most other DAW’s support this in serveral ways.

So +1 for this

Moreover: what about mixining hardware controller support ? E.g. Reaper supports the development
of adapters/drivers for several external mixing consoles

Just to play devil’s advocate: If you send several tracks to the same Send track (muting the source output), synchronous volume/panning changes or solo/mute switching is exactly what you get (all track’s output are now controlled by the Send). Not to mention FX chain changes etc. How is Grouping different? NOTE: I’m honestly asking this question. I’ve not worked with any software where Grouping was an option so I know nothing about how it actually works.

For instant gratification, check out the (commercial) faderworksplugin ?

I agree that you technically can achieve grouping with send-tracks,
but it can be very inconvenient and time consuming:

E.g. In other DAWs you can quickly link two faders (e.g. kick+snare) without defining a common
send target. Thus you can quickly adjust levels without loosing relations. E.g. in Reaper
you can even define Master-Slave relations between faders and realize fader “relation-chains”.

Moreover the soloing/muting possibilities are usually more advanced in other DAWs:

E.g. it is not possible to solo a group=send track in Renoise with one action. You always have to solo all
of the sending tracks. It’s a real PITA.

Further, if you mute some tracks and solo another you loose the previous mute-state.
It’s another real PITA.

In other words: mixing and grouping in Renoise is compared to other DAWs not very sophisticated
and in some aspects really impractically - especially muting and soloing.