Mixer tab/view bug (Renoise 3.4.4, Windows 10)?

In Renoise 3.4.4 all the values and sliders (volume, panning) that are shown in the mixer tab are displayed incorrectly. In contrary to the mixer device in the track effect chain the sliders don’t move and all the values remain 0 respectively “Center” in case of panning.

In Renoise 3.4.3 everything works as expected.

Old and new xrns files are affected. Out of curiosity I also restarted my computer, no difference. Strangely I never noticed this behavior before. Am I the only one on Windows 10 who’s facing this?

Don’t usually use the mix tab, aren’t the sliders tied to the ‘post’ sliders in the dev chain though?


Check if the mixer is set to pre or post sliders. It’s the post sliders that change with the track mixer sliders


I’ve never changed any setting in the mixer tab, but you guys are absolutely right. Do the default settings in Renoise 3.4.4 differ from the previous versions? Indeed the mixer was set to “Post”, and if it’s set to “Pre” everything works again. Thank you! :+1:

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