Hello everyone.
Reason being, I’m trying to figure out how I can route each channel from a mixer to an individual channel in Renoise. I’ve worked out that I need 16 audio ins, and a minimum of 6 audio outs (for routing internal sounds to external effects, amplifiers, preamps, etc.) on the soundcard. As such I need a mixer with 16 direct outputs, but am struggling to find one with more than 8. I did notice some of the larger Midas mixers have direct outs for >8 channels, but they’re quite a bit outside of my price range!
Could someone point me in the right direction for a mixer which has outputs for each channel separately? I need 16 channels, or 4 stereo and 8 mono, minimum. Would also be ideal if they were post-fader, EQ and panning! Any help at all would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!