When I recored ModWheel movement into the Pattern Editor, it records data into three different columns. I’m not sure what all of them actually are.
See picture, where there are two sweeps of the ModWheel…
On the far right (global effect column) we see a “1” which I believe means CC1 (which is the modwheel) and then a two-digit value (in hex, 00 to 7F) which represents the position of the wheel.
On the left, we see “00” which represents the instrument that was selected when recording was done…
But then in the Pan effect column, we get “M0” entered for every line of recorded ModWheel movement…?
It seems like a lot of data for one MIDI controller being moved… does it need to be this way? It makes the pattern editor kind of messy / crowded – in my picture, there’s no actual note data / other pattern FX, but in a real song this MW data will get mixed in with all the rest, and it makes things hard to follow.
So, in short, I guess my questions are:
is there a way to record ModWheel movement that doesn’t record so much data into the pattern editor?
what does the “M0” that shows up in the pan column mean?