Monome 64 Layout For Duplex And Distribution Question

EDIT: Please use the zip file posted by Danoise (see below)


I’ve adapted the Monome128 layout for the 40h/Arduinome… Just extract the content of the included zip file to your Duplex/Controllers directory. I also added some controls to the mixer and matrix pages and I tested it using an Arduinome. Feel free to comment!

Also, I was wondering if there was a better way to distribute new controller mappings for Duplex? I’ve searched the forum and google doc but couldn’t find anything… :(

Thank you!

If it would be a full tool, it could have been posted on the tools site itself.
Perhaps we need a special controller layout area for Duplex (don’t know if Bantai’s brain is starting to crisp on this idea) on the tools site.
You have a good point.

Nice work! But there really is no need for a separate “monome64” folder - you just need to change the “display name” of the device.
I’ve attached a version with combined 128/64 configurations :slight_smile:

Good question. Sticking it out here for peer-review works pretty good IMHO, but we could also keep the list of controllers up to date with download links to the “pending devices”?

Ok thanks! I made a different folder in case I screwed things up and didn’t think about merging them.

Also, I have a quick suggestion. It would be nice to see what is the currently selected note (octave/pitch) in the step sequencer. I took a quick look at the code but I haven’t had much time to really investigate the issue because of school…

thanks a lot!

I have to agree that the current method isn’t optimal, but it has to do with the space that’s available on the device. Not enough buttons! A full range of velocities/notes would also be high on my wish-list, but we need to come up with a good way of doing it.

Currently, we have the note grid which take up most of the space. Then we have the volume column/slider, the transport -1/-12/+1/+12 buttons, and a couple of buttons for flipping though tracks and lines.

Instead of having a dedicated volume slider, we could have a “general purpose slider”, and some “mode” buttons, which determine what the slider is doing. Hit the “mode button”, press and hold the desired notes, and use the slider to adjust the velocity, pitch etc. Or we could expand the number of dedicated sliders, which would save us the step of having to select the mode first. Still, even this doesn’t solve the issue of not having easy access to the entire keyboard range.

A different way of doing this would be to rely on an additional controller for inputting note/velocities into the sequencer. If the StepSequencer supported keyboard input (as in MIDI keyboard), then you could use the Launchpad/monome to select/program notes, and set their values via the keyboard?

I think your slider idea would be great!

But my (temporary) suggestion was to add a box on the GUI that displays the currently selected note. I gave a quick look at the code but the closest UI component I found (maybe I’m wrong) was the UISpinner. I think it could be used as an additional way of inputing notes values. Maybe I’ll have time next week to look more deeply into it if you want me to.

Some documentation or a tutorial would be really helpful as it’s not immediately obvious what everything does. Very nice work all the same.

Did you try to set focus to the Duplex Browser, and hover over the various buttons with the mouse to read the tooltips? They should tell you what each one does…

No I didn’t try that, cheeyarz.