Mouseclicking Bug

Hi everyone, I’m a new user. I really like Renoise. My roots lie with trackers and now I want to use Renoise as my main sequencer platform with Reason/Record as instruments. So far, it looks great.

However, I have ran into an annoying problem a few times now. Suddenly, the mouseclicks are not responding anymore. I can click on pulldown menus, or the file menu, for example, but the menu doesn’t show. I have tried shift/alt/ctrl/right/left to see if something was stuck, but it doesn’t look that way. Does anyone know what causes this? The only solution so far is to close Renoise and re-open it and that’s quite annoying, obviously. Especially when rewiring.

What is your operating platform? Windows or MacOSX? (noticing using ReWire)
What do you have connected to it? (Audio card specs, cpu, memory etc)
Also have you tried fumbling with the frame-rate in the GUI settings?

Hi, sorry about that. This is on Windows 7, 32 bit, 4 Gb memory, Focusrite Saffire Pro 14 firewire interface, Asus GTX460 Direct CU TOP video card.

I did have a look at the GUI settings, and I deselected the option “more compatible GUI updates”. I have not had the problem since. I’ll keep an eye on it.

edit I just realized that my refresh might be on 59. I set my GUI pref on 59 now and switched that option back on. Let’s see what happens.

59? how strange. But i guess a GTX460 doesn’t need compatible GUI updates. This setting is only for problematic Gfx cards that show other quircks (like smearing or unupdated desktop updates after moving dialogs.)

59 is what my display properties says. So, current setting is preferences 59, and the compatibility option deselected. We’ll see what happens. Thanks!

a bit offtopic, but you could consider adding you system specs to your signature, to maybe avoid having to answer the same question multiple times in the future. check this thread out: (Bantai also suggests a global layout people could use to keep this stuff transparent)

Little offtop since its mouse topic :) Ive got question about mouse scroll. Ive run renoise on vista (laptop) and xp (desktop) with some a4tech mouses one is some office version and one x7 game version. But anyway here’s the question how to make renoise to scroll one line at time? I mean it always jumps for ex. from 00 to 02 line and then 04, 06 etc. I tried mouse preferences in control panel.

But changes there takes no effect in renoise, atleast those with scrolling speed.

Simonus: I don’t think there is any option available for this; you’re not the only one asking for this so an option could be good. I seem to remember that once taktik told about having some troubles implementing this, anyway I may be not be remembering correctly

O, so there no such option. I thought Ive got some bug or something :)Thx for reply :)

Changing the scrolling speed in Windows changes how much you have to turn the muse wheel for it to register a movement in Renoise, still doing the 2 line movement once it does though. At least that’s what I discovered a fair while back when I had a problem which turned out to be a configuration problem (didn’t know about scroll coasting on my new laptop.)

It would be great, if this option would be custom like step length. I dunno about others but for me it could be big boost to work speed. I know there are arrows but scroll seems to be faster.