Move automation along with the dsp device

IMHO it would highly improve workflow, if all automation was kept while moving a device by hand. Makes no sense to me not to copy it. You later so can delete the automation, if required.

The device automation generally should handled device related, not track related. So conceptional the device as a safe, while organizing song structure.

Automation can mean both pattern data automation and envelope automation. Moving envelope automation seems simple enough. Trying to move pattern data automation should be avoided, I think.

Indeed, there seems to be a general tradition of seeing automation as part of the track rather than the device. Probably due to how hardware worked in the 20th century?

+1 for a preferences toggle - “Move envelope automation with DSP devices”

Automation can mean both pattern data automation and envelope automation. Moving envelope automation seems simple enough. Trying to move pattern data automation should be avoided, I think.

Indeed, there seems to be a general tradition of seeing automation as part of the track rather than the device. Probably due to how hardware worked in the 20th century?

+1 for a preferences toggle - “Move envelope automation with DSP devices”

OK I can understand this argument. But there are scenarios where a track context is non logical at all: for example if you split a track into several and move all fx to a parent group. Or you want to make a bunch a fx move to a send track to add dry/wet amount. Or using the same automation simply on multiple tracks. The manual copying of automation currently is a real pain in renoise.

So what about a second key/mouse modifier, just like copying? You press option while moving the device, and automation is not moved with it then.

Rather, the automation should be copied if modifier is held? Better UX.

No, better UX would be opposite.

Nope, it’s not the expected default behavior (and shouldn’t be).

No, the dsp device should be considered as a safe, automation of that dsp also belongs and stays to that dsp, and not to the track. Oldschool was yesterday, the future is now, which is called “object orientation”.

Yep, I came here looking for a way to automate DSP devices live. Is this no longer possible with GUI Automation Recorder?

I can see the keyboard shortcut for DSP devices, but I can only get the plugin shortcut to start edit mode. :thinking:

Ok, I got Lua up and running and I have a friend helping me debug. Any idea which part of the code isn’t working, or which version of Lua API broke it?

Add this code after last shortcut register call:

    renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
        name = "Global:Tools:Record GUI controls", 
        invoke = function()
            get_active_instrument_parameters({doRecord = true, isInstrument = true})

Somehow I missed to add a global shortcut for the start the recording… Weird. Also the included shortcut for the instrument box context does not seem to work.

Context menu shoukld work normally.