Moving That Horizonal Bar

Hello everyone.

Looked through the forums/manual etc- starting to wonder if I am the only one who is niggled by this: the horizonal bar moving down each line when the track is playing- my screen obviously only shows a certain amount of lines from the pattern. Can’t I get the bar to keep scrolling down where I can see it go over every line? I.e so i can see each note as its being played? Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

Have you tried pressing Scroll Lock?

Thanks for coming to my rescue so quickly. I’m on a Mac so will try and figure that out from here. Thank you!

Damn, there is no F14 Scroll Lock for MacBook Pros. The only answer seems to lie in the stupid ‘Preferences’ and ‘Appearances’ menu as it has to do with scrolling, but I’ve fiddled around and nothing seems to work. I guess I will just have to wait until another MacBook Pro user comes along. Cheers again.

Basically the whole screen should scroll, if only the bar is moving and goes off screen you have Pattern Follow disabled. (Search that term in the Tutorial pages, I’m just shutting down at the end of work.)

That is EXACTLY the button I want. :rolleyes:


Press the button on the screen that is to the right of the record button.

If you read this, now and in the future you can move the mouse pointer over any button and it will tell you what it is, sometimes what it does and will also tell you the keyboard shortcut.