Will Renoise ever be able to render to a MP3 or Ogg file?
please read the [FAQ post](http:// this-link-is-no-more-valid?act=ST&f=3&t=1716) before asking;
register ReNoise to have the WAV writer.
MP3/OGG direct writing is not supported.
Why should it be?
You can easily encode your files for free using the OGG drag&drop encoder.
Although the idea has been suggested, and might be implemented some time in the future. It’s not on the top of the list though, we believe it’s more important to improve the parts of renoise that do tasks external programs cannot do.
It-Alien I have already registered.
What is that free OGG drap and drop encoder called and where can I get it from?
good registered boy
you can get the drag’n’drop freeware OGG encoder
direct links:
Simple D&D Encoder for Windows
More complex D&D Encoder for Windows
they are both very easy actually: you can access to some encoding options (bitrate,tags,…) by rigth-clicking on the program itself.
Happy encoding
lame looses against ogg big-time, as every other mp3-codec. mp3 is outdated and obsolete, just face it.
I’ve heard of a new, incredible compression format which is arising the scene’s foreligth: it’s called XM.
I swear I’ve seen 10’ songs packed into 200kb! And you can still compress them more with LHA!
(well, at least I found this post funny )
Mp3 Pro is very good…To bad its not free…
muhahahaha again.
there are two settings I use for ogg :
making previews of my tracks, using 96kbsp. ogg sounds far superior than mp3 with this bitrate.
compressing CD-Audio or Vinylrecords for storing on listening to on my PC, using 320 kbps. ogg is better even with that. just try to compress some songs sampled from vinyl.
even if I agree that comparison between OGG and MP3 has only one winner, and that’s OGG, I have to point out that compressing signal from vinyl is certainly not the best test to do, as the available frequency range is far less than CD.
The so famous vinyl “warmness” is only due to a sort of lowpass filter which its limitations give to the sound.
This filter frequency can be even at about 10khz.
Does anyone know of a good MP3 to OGG converter then?
No matter which of them is better, converting from one compressed format to the other will never do any good. You will then have the weaknesses of both format applied on top of each other…
try “easy cd-da extractor”… but it’s pointless a lot to convert mp3 to ogg, it just worse the quality…
Guest, you don’t happen to be d-sub?