Mp3 Websites...

I was looking on google about my cd “best of”…

And i found more than 80 websites where you can buy my album in mp3!!!

Shit! I’ve made no contracts about it… thoses websites are mostly russians but also belges, englishs etc…

Do you know what can we do against it?

Free download on p2p ok… but i can t stand that people is making money on my music without paying me!!

This happened to my friend Phobium as well with an album he released. Not much you can do about it unfortunately since most of these sites are hosted in countries where there are no laws to handle the problem.

It sucks, but on the other hand it’s quite unlikely that a lot of money is being made on these sites anyway. Most people know that they can get mp3s for free on p2p, etc., and most people who want these mp3s are looking for famous pop, rock, hip hop, etc.

Make it donation-ware.
Add goals to your site to mention what kind of gadgets you would like to have to extend your gear, people most likely are willing to donate to make you spend it on relative stuff.
I’ve seen some guy doing this for a certain application and this seems to work out pretty well.
Another thing is to offer certain songs for free and mention about sites that pirate your work.
I don’t know how much your page rankings will improve in Google, but it might be worth the try.

yes for sure i can do it also… but i am distributed by a major and i am not sure they ll agree a donation-ware…
It can be good idea for little releases or really underground stuff!
I didn t know about that!
But is it possible to make a donation ware for music, i mean in accord with law?

How coincidental Vv… I just recently went down the donation-ware path with my music

I reckon it’s the way to go for small guys. E-busking.

Oh those russian websites are uncontrolable. It’s not just about music, mp3s or movies… recently some of these pirate websites even sell a cracked version of Windows Vista! A friend of mine has downloaded the complete cracked version of 3DS MAX from one of this sites using a very high speed sattelite connection. [edit:] for free!

Digital kills creation!!

Can we have some free food on thoses websites? or free car?

Well, I don’t think raw-copies are bad but I think earning money with someone elses work is just fxxking retarded.