Multi Columns/Tracks Edit On Renoise V2.50 ?

Hi Renoisers & Renoise Team,

I don’t find how I can activate/disactivate a mode allowing to editing notes in multi-columns or in multi-tracks on Renoise v2.50. I don’t want to record my notes because it works correctly ! I want ONLY edit my notes step-by-step in mode “multi-columns” and/or “multi-tracks”, is it possible ?

If else, could Renoise Team add these options in the newest version of Renoise ?

Thank you & Greetings,


Could you do a screen shot to describe what you mean. Think this is the second time I’ve seen you post basically this and I haven’t really understood it either time and have a feeling I may not be alone.

Hi kazakore,

I thank you for answering me. I understand now why I haven’t any answers… The screenshot is here in MilkyTracker :

1°) I enable the mode “Editing” in the multichannel option.
2°) I do “mute” on all channels except 1st channel and 2nd channel.
3°) I am in mode edit (spacebar).
4°) I edit notes and step-by-step, the notes are edited in the 2 first channels :

1st note in 1st channel
2nd note in 2nd channel
3rd note in 1st channel
4th note in 2nd channel

In Renoise v2.50, can I use the edit mode in “multi-columns” and/or “multi-tracks” please ? Else, Renoise Team could add this option useful in the next version ?

Thank you for your help,



Hi Renoisers & Renoise Team,

No comments ? Why ? Is it not possible on Renoise v2.50 ?

Thank you for your help,


I really don’t understand what’s that mystical multi-columns mode step-by-step editing. :wacko:

this is a feature which was available in Fast Tracker.

when active, if the user wrote a note in a track, then the program automatically shifted the cursor to the next track on the right, thus allowing to fastly write arpeggioes.

if I remember correctly, the range of cycling through tracks was defined by the active tracks only.

Thank you It-Alien and sorry for my bad english ! It is not easy to talk Renoise about ideas, bugs, etc.

I need “multitracks edit” and “multicolumns edit” option for composing my musics on Renoise 2 !!! I am sure that many oldschools trackers use this option like me…

Thank you,



Please can you move this topic “Replying to Multi Columns/Tracks Edit On Renoise V2.50 ?” to “Ideas & suggestions” ?

Thank you,