Multiple Automation View (Simultaneously!)

Hey all!

in the past week i started working on drones made with Renoise. One thing i really miss is to have an overview on all the automations of one selected track

This is very important to shape the sound and control more parameters at once

Do you think it could be a good idea?

I thought about a toggle in the automation screen like a “global view” when pressed it resizes all the automation lanes so you can see all the automations simultaneously for that track and if you want to modify one lane in particular just click on it and you go to the “normal view” like is now and edit

let’s discuss :slight_smile:

i think you should do a mock-up. mock-ups are pretty cool. also, i’m not 100% sure what you mean exactly, so a mock-up would help there too. :)

There’s been quite a few mockups of “multiple automation view” in previous feature requests :)

oh, sorry, in that case i either missed that or did not understand what he meant, else i would’ve said ‘been suggested before’ and bombarded his ass with threads :P
maybe you can do the honors?

I was trying to find that stuff actually, what it basically was was a mockup where there were 7 copies of the same automation editor, with different envelopes showing - so a “big” Automation Envelope Editor which can show multiple envelopes at the same time (not layered on top of eachother in a transparent mode, just “seven automation editors”) )

thanks, totally understand the suggestion now and totally know the thread+mockup you’re talking about here.

ok, so to get back to the suggestion:

it has been suggested before. :D
but i think it is indeed a nice idea. i can understand that when you work in automation view a lot, it is not very useful to have to click each parameter before you can view its automation, because you can never see different types of automation in relation to each other.
you do have the option to use the Mixer View and show the automated sliders, so you can at least get some visual feedback on this, but you can not look ahead, you only see the automation as it is occurring at that very moment.
so, yeah, would be nice to have this.

Btw, here’s a little question that probably explains quite a bit about how little I use the automation envelope - is there a shortcut that allows one to cycle between already-existing envelopes in the pattern? :)

Here’s the (not so good) mockup

I prefer the idea of superimposed, different-coloured envelopes in the same window, rather than squashing their hight to fit within the same space. A little tick box of each colour to select which one you are currently able to access and edit.

vertical automation in the pattern editor.

notes, pattern commands and multiple automation lanes all running along the same axis… only way to go here imo. (=

edit: one problem remains though: pattern zoom. without that will it be hard to make finer adjustments :confused:

@ Kazakore

or just being able to resize the automation rectangle to have a wider view…

Almost mentioned that myself. This would then be OK to have the automation waveforms side-by-side.

Would still prefer overlaid than adjacent at full hight…

@ Maes

do you mean vertical automation lanes + color coded layers ?

the overview i proposed in this thread is related to view multiple automations of the same track… it’s not about automations related to other tracks

With the vertical automations view in the pattern editor you would be able to see just one automation per track at the time or multiple colored layers but it seems to me to be a little messy

With vertical I would see them being side-by-side, whether from the same track or not. So that you could have many automation lanes, all from the same track, taking up your screen, as well as a few from adjacent tracks, if you so wished.

But for horizontal I see overlaid working better. In part because we currently can’t expand the lower pane. The idea of having to scroll left and right through tracks is already natural, whereas I feel having to scroll up and down to see some automation, in the lower sub-pane, something best avoided. Therefore a limit number (4 enough?) automation from a track selectable for this view would be neater.

You’re more than welcome to disagree though ;)

i actually like the vertical view with “side-by-side” lanes

maybe a Show/hide button on each track so to see all the automations lanes and if you want to modify an automation , just select the one and edit in the editor we already have

in this case is also possible to use all the automation functions like the “zoom” as we do right now

Added what I consider an important word to the above sentence. A button to minimise active automation lanes would also be beneficial.

Although not sure I agree with editing it in the existing area. Kinda takes away any advantage you have from seeing multiple ones at once in the first place…

well, in the end, all requests combined, we’re gonna be needing vertical automation tracks, vertical audio tracks and options for minimizing and grouping all of these. we’re certainly keeping the devs busy :)

Well we wouldn’t want them to get complacent/bored now would we! Idle thumbs and all that…

i think multiple automation view + track grouping + audio tracks are BIG improvements they should work on

Some time ago there was a poll for voting feature requests… what about starting a new one now?

feel free to do so!