Multiple Midi Inputs Please!

this is my first post, cause its the first thing ive thought was important enough for me to share

PLEASE concider adding support for multiple midi inputs. I find it incredibly limiting to not be able to use my knob box and my keyboard at the same time, especially for live playing. For me, this would be the most important addition to the next version of Renoise, and would open things up for me greatly

Thanks for taking the time to listen and talk to the people who use your software. Renoise is already the best computer-based musical aid Ive ever used, and its only gonna get better

thanks again !

please take a look to POLLS page: this is a page where registered users can vote for new featuers to be added in next versions.

As you can see, multiple MIDI inputs feature is already planned.

If you are a registered user, vote for that feature, so developers will be encouraged to implement it.

I had the same problem, I wanted to use a knob box and a keyboard… the solution I found is to use a “midi merger”… and it works nice…

Of course a midi merger is limitating but may work in many setups…