Multiple Redux Instances Introduce Playback Lag (Logic X and Reaper)

i would gladly try to replicate the issue if you provide project & files if that helps soe we can pinpoint the bug/missbehavior

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My apologies if my info is wrong somewhere. I’ll look into that. I’m definitely on 64-bit and have been since moving to Logic X.

EDIT: Updated thread title (and original post). Thanks for getting my attention on that.

Thanks for the offer to attempt to reproduce the problem. I will gather the project content into a zip and … upload it to the board?

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Yes, zip it and upload it here.

The forum tells me that zip files are not allowed. Sigh.

Here’s a zip on DropBox for now:

Tested this now, same result here, firewire 48kz, 128 samples, Redux 3.2.2 AU, 10.13.6, gives me like 2 seconds start delay. There is no fx in any Redux instance, no fx plugins in the mixer either, so it is very likely caused by Redux.

Actually the very first song play has no latency at all, but then every following song start. So it might be that something isn’t stopped correctly?

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Thank you so much for testing this on your end. Now at least this is verified as not being something strange on my computer(s). Interesting that you pointed out the first play is fine. I think I noticed that, too, but hadn’t thought to make a point of it. Thanks again!

Now what? Developers?

Is this going to be addressed by developers (do they participate on this forum), or do I need to get their attention in some specific way?

Same with 10.14.6

Thank you for testing that, too.


Are developers aware of this issue?

EDIT: Also, adding the ability to upload zip files for project file would be nice.

Sigh. I am going to bump this thread yet again…

Having exact same issue. Reaper 6 Win10 x64

Demoing and checking for updates since the vst was released. And yes - thats the only reason i don’t want to buy it. Sigh

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Thank you for posting that you’re experiencing the same problem. I don’t know why the developers haven’t entered this thread at all. :frowning:

Thank you for bumping this. I am moving some of my projects to Logic X myself. I was about to buy Redux (have not tested it yet), as many parts of the projects simply can’t be reproduced without it.

Please let us know your findings once you test with the demo.

Yep, I have the same experience in Reaper. Multiple instances will progressively introduce more delay on playback starting, no matter if they have zero samples or phrases loaded. I can actually enable ‘Flush FX on stop’ in Reaper settings to introduce the same exact lag/delay on playback stop.

It’s not a dealbreaker for me as I mainly use Redux for programming drums or breaks + bouncing sequences to audio, so rarely have more than one or two instances per project, but I can see it being absolutely intolerable for anyone who wants to use lots of Renoise instruments in one project.

It’s plausible to me that the lag/delay is some necessary part of having phrases work properly or sync up with the host, but it happens even without using phrases.

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Thank you for reporting that you also experience this problem. As you suggested, it’s intolerable for me when using many instances of the plugin, as I must with several projects.

The developers still don’t seem to be interested :frowning::man_shrugging:t4:

I’m really sorry for the very late reply. I never have seen this thread until now. Probably I’ve set the watch status to disabled by accident. Haven’t ignored this thread on purpose.

Regarding the issue:
Redux only reports latency to the host, when it actually does introduce some. And it only introduces some, when using DSP FX in the instrument which introduce latency: for example when oversampling is enabled in the devices or in the compressors. So this definitely should not happen when not using any FX.

Could you upload a little Logic or Reaper (preferred) song where this still happens for you? I’ll then test this in detail…