Mutant Breaks #12

Hers is the post for instagram.


Is it normal to post tracks so far in advance and do we want to make it secret and publish the names after voting?

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Its nice to have tracks posted now. It keeps the thread alive and gets people exited for the compo. Its also good publicity for you name to post the progress. But it ultimatly your choice. Also you can post what you want but if you dont vote at the end your submition is invalid so make sure to vote at the end. :blush::+1:


I vote and join

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Does anybody want to join in sponsoring the compo with money, stickers, tshirts, game codes, vst software?
Any idea’s on who I can ask?

Here is a renoise texture dedicated to the MBC#12 and based on the album art by @EatMe !


Cool! Thanks!

@alien7 In the last years there was some official renoise sticker business going on, via danoise I think…

Also I feel humbled that my motto suggestion was accepted straight away. It is a nice and simple motto. It is always a big benefit to have good friends, being mutated or not.

I am already working at my entry, its going very nice so far, I hope to finish long before deadline. I try to do the jump up drum and bass, simple and happy, as simple friendships are most often the happiest! Looking forward to listen to the other entries.


I am proud to pesent our second sponsor of th Mutant Breaks Compo #12

Karoryfer Samples is offering the winner of Mutant Breaks #12 their choice of the commercial Karoryfer virtual instruments: Hadziha, Vengeful Cello, Unruly Drums, Big Rusty Drums, Frankensnare, Secret Agent Guitar or Swirly Drums. You can look through the prize choices (and the free stuff) at

A longtime lurker suggested a lot of our samples are weird enough to appeal to the crowd around here, so we thought, why not?


I’ll send a Super Smash Button to the winner


Omg thats so awesome! Didnt even know you had a youtube channel. The winner is starting to get loaded! :partying_face:

As usual, if entrants can upload the songs to their Soundcloud and then post them in this thread, I’ll create an official playlist on the deadline. The song order will be picked randomly.


Thanks Duncan. Its kind of sureal after watching/listening to your Renoise tutorials on youtube to have you here on the forum. :sunglasses::+1:

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Here is my entry.Good luck to everyone.Neutron 3 and Ozone Elements 8 used for mixing and mastering.Instruments and effects all Renoise and Samples.

Soundcloud problems?Here is Google Drive

Renoise project file.



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Hurray Mutant Breaks! I’m on board of the boomerang!

Apparently I missed #11 so let’s go all out.


I’m sooo weak into breakbeat and jungle stuff… but the theme is so kind that I’ll join!


imagine this dude in the compo damnnn:sunglasses:



Thought everything is allowed.

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I’m certainly not a renoise power user, but count me in. Are the rules the same as for the previous editions? (preferably rely on native renoise things)

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