Mutant Breaks Competition #15: Mix it up and make some friends!

It wouldn’t hurt anything to have one team of three, either

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Indeed a team of three. Or I’ll run double duty and work on two collaborations simultaneously. No reason for you to skip out on the fun.

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Yeah thanks man, either a trio or someone doing double would be doable if someone has the time for two collabs. Looking forward to it :slight_smile:


The pairings are here!

What’s next?
Look at the list below and contact your partner.

I highly recommend setting up a video chat and getting to know each other a bit.

Settle on two genres of music that don’t normally go together and make a track together this month. Remember go for bold choices, not safe ones. The deadline is September 30th.

Have fun!

If you want to see how the pairings were conducted:

With no further ado, the pairings:

Fabrice - H3ADL3SS
HeartBeatHero - Corb
Jek - Lneheb
Mr. Zensphere - Ishineee
Mirtazapine Dream - Senseiprod
Eretsua - Supercomputer60s
Raegae - Skolskoly

And finally @Garf who can choose one of these options:

  1. Garf - Eretsua
  2. Garf - Eretsua - Supercomputer60s*
  3. Garf - Mr.Zensphere - Inshineee*

*Assuming Supercomputer60s & Inshinee are cool with that.


I’ll let you guys have the fun and bow out so you can concentrate on one collab, I should also be busy with some other things anyway… so yeah have fun guys!

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Just to make sure, it’s really no issue to have a three man team. So don’t step out because of that, please. You’re more than welcome to stay! But if you feel you’re better off spending your time on other thing that’s completely fine as well, of course. Just know I’d love to have you onboard.

Let’s see in a few weeks how you have progressed, maybe I can jump in and make a quick one.

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Cool, let’s do that!

I am cool with having a 3 people team, it would be cool if we could use discord as a communication form.
Also, nice video, i liked how you pronounced my name.

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A discord server is a good idea. I have no experience with it but I’m gonna look into it now.

I hope I wasn’t too far off the mark with my pronunciation. When I started recording I realized I never said some of the names out loud before. :sweat_smile:

Discord server:

I have no idea if this just works but I’m sure you’ll let me know if I need to fix things.

it’s fine, i saw a lot of people having problems with my name, including the “inshineee”, it’s pretty common so i kinda got used to it.
the way pronounce my name is “i shyne”

for the discord server, i don’t see any problems with it, i can suggest something maybe inside of it later.

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dope, yeeeeaahahaha! collab on! let’s gooooooo!

I’m also ok with a three person team if it pans out that way

@garf would be a great addition for some hitech synthwave :metal:


Is it up to the individual teams to decide on this combination?

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Yes, correct. You, as a team need to decide on what you’re going to make and what genres you’re going to combine.

Will someone be reviewing the combination, to determine if it is sufficiently discombobulated?
For example, it seems, ambient pretty much goes with everything.

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I’m happy to provide you my input on your genre choices, but I trust each team will push their boundaries in their own way. And yes, ambient is perhaps low hanging fruit. But if you combine it with for example gabber I reckon it will be quite a challenge to make it feel like both genres simultaneously.

Anyway, I encourage every team to try something new. Something that isn’t obvious. Get outside of your comfort zone, if you will.


I see Corb, Ishineee, H3adl3ss, HeartBeatHero, Jek, and Lneheb found their way over to the discord server.

Just to make sure, have MrZensphere @Fabrice @BriocheBaps @Raegae @dspasic and @Skolskoly been able to establish contact with their teammates yet?

Anyway, if people feel like it they can share their progress on the Discord, or here in the thread, I suppose.


we are in touch :slight_smile:

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Yes we had a vocal chat yesterday H3ADL3SS and me :handshake:

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