Mutant Breaks [lucky] #13

Thanks, @Jek! Been a pleasure! Glad to see so many people on board. I think it’s going to be a great comp!
here’s my xrns


Okay, here’s my entry:

xrns file:
MBC13 - Timeless Rotten Orange.xrns (3.6 MB)

7/8 and 13/8. 187-210bpm (mostly 187).
It’s in 7/8 from 0:00 to 1:11 and from 3:25-4:34, but 13/8 the rest of the time. Also at 3:25, the tempo gradually increases until it reaches 210 just before 4:34, where it immediately drops back to 187. Or… by 4 instead of 8, I’m not really sure. It’s 8 lpb, so I think it’s by 8 but I don’t actually know… (someone please correct me if I’m wrong or let me know if I’m not, because sometimes it keeps me up at night.)

Also, when playing it in renoise, it sounds slightly different each time it’s played if you don’t close the window. So it sounds unique each time it’s rendered. I rendered it thirteen times, and you’re listening to the thirteenth render on soundcloud. I just thought it was a fun thing to play with. Actually it was just a way to be lazy so I didn’t have to enter tons of panning and volume stuff but I like the result.

Picture is of a 2 year old rotten orange.

One more thing -
I’ve never posted before, and just made this account yesterday. Hello.


Loads of good stuff coming in again. Thank you all!

@elias, that is a nice track. I like the tension you’re building around 1m20s. Feel it could have been a bit groovier with some more dynamics through velocities but does a nice job at building excitement. Can’t say I’m a fan of the lead sound. But overall I think it is a nice track. Nicely done,

@slugwife You’ve got some sweet rhythms and I like some of the humor you’ve put into the short burst of melodies. I like how obtuse and simplistic they are at times and then just bugger off. Nothing too serious. Fun stuff.

@13_2 that is some nicely smooth jazz you’ve got going on. Sadly, at 2m11s it is too short to qualify. But it has a sweet vibe.

@Woodpecking_Mantis , your xrns file still requires an external vst, Bitsonic LP Violent Transient. I’m sure you can fix that before the deadline to become Renoise only. Anyways, as I said before, Venetian Snares is all over this…andI like Vsnares a lot so, yeah! Cool track!!


@Jek, This mutant break also sees my first real attempt at breakcore. It is fun to try new things. Anyways, your track is nicely dark and ominous. Maybe a bit too dark. It’s also a little bit shy of 3minutes with the first 5 seconds being silent…but i don’t think that should be an issue. Anyways, it is nice stuff you’ve made. Well done. :metal:

@slujr Oh yes! A peek behind the curtain of your excellent sound design. Thank you for that!! I’ll be learning from your xrns file for sure. :+1:

I also like your track, i just feel it would work better, for me anyways, if it was faster. Having access to the xrns, I upped the bpm to 180+ and then your track came alive for me. You could totally submit that and be well over the 3minute barrier still, if you were so inclined. It does seem to break somethings though, a much higher BPM. Anyways, good stuff! Even in slow motion. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@_kara Hi! and welcome to the forum. That is a nice idea and a nice track. You’ve got some good drums going like this. Upon my first listen I felt it was bit too long, maybe. It takes a while to get going for me. But I do hear the build up you’ve made. And I like how it escalates in the last few minutes. Neat stuff! :+1:

They were well earned. After listening to it a couple of times that intro sets the stage really well. So I think it has a right to be there. Just not something I picked up the first time through.

En ja zeker, Oud-Charlois in da house! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you Eretsua for reaching out,
The transient plugin was used during early stage of compo… and not wasn’t even useful finaly… :sweat_smile:

Here is the corrected xrns :
Download link

1 item
Woodpecking Mantis - Breaklores III Mutant break13 2021_delivery.xrns

34.7 MB


Alright, today is the day! Get those tracks/revisions/xrns files in by midnight!!!


midnight on GMT+2
so I have 7 hours…

oh, this is niiiiice! The first 90 seconds didn’t do much for me. Don’t get me wrong, it are cools sounds. It just didn’t move me. But when things start to get going… Oh boy, you’ve got some tasty dissonances in there. That stuff towards the 5min mark… lovely! That voice is disturbing. Good stuff this!

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speedcomp mode activate :metal::grin:

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doooope :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Finally, after listening to everyone’s tracks, here is my entry.

I had lot of fun making this track. And I’m really proud of the result. Hadn’t made anything breakcore-ish before. Done entirely inside of Renoise. Enjoy this wild ride!

You can download the xrns file here (62.33mb):


Hello everybody! And thanks for making this happen!
After the absolutely worst writers block of my life, here´s the first piece of music I´ve made in a long time.

Glitchy, hypertextured, temporally distorted. 32.5 BPM and 19 LPB for the most part, deliberate choices. One part is basically in 4/4, although everything is strictly 19-tuplet swung (I guess it could also be interpreted as 76/8 or something :sweat_smile: )

Here´s the track:

And here´s the XRNS:
EDIT - XRNS not available anymore since the competition has ended. (It contained audio materials not suitable for permanent free public distribution. The temporary XRNS download was provided for educational and personal use only.)

All native Renoise stuff, no plugins. The XRNS is slightly on the larger file size due to some long “mudpies” (roughly 1Gb). I also did some slight mastering moves after rendering the mixdown out. Nothing fancy, basically just subtle limiting. I coulnd´t do it in the original XRNS due to a bug I found with some BPM modulation messing up the playback of couple of patterns a bit (I explain it in the song comments of the XRNS). Kinda fitting actually that I literally glitched so hard while making this, that I made Renoise itself unintentionally glitch. :drummer: :sunglasses: And with BPM modulation too out of all possible things while we´re having MBC 13 with the theme of “temporal distortion”. :w00t:


Sweet! I find this kind of stuff deeply impressive. Looking forward to examining your xrns file to get a sense of how you made this track. Some really sweet sound design as well. The cover art is gorgeous. :+1:

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Great stuff here!!!
gotta love those mudpies… super fun mining those mudpies for gold

excellent track. I encourage you to keep making new tunes now that you’ve broken out of whatever block you were experiencing. you’ll be doing the world a favor by making more music! :slight_smile:


Here’s my xrns (180mb), a few parts were resampled because of a bpm automation glitch!
So many awesome tracks to listen to, I will put my headphones on tomorrow and listen to them all :headphones: :drummer:
Thanks @slujr for organizing!


Alright,had to come and see whats goin on :face_with_monocle:


Thanks again to @slujr for arranging this for us, and for everyone participating! Made this a really fun event :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. I had trouble keeping it under 7 minutes. I actually still didn’t keep it under 7 minutes, I only just barely managed to shorten it enough with the tempo fluctuation. :sweat_smile:
Also I love the 2:20+ part of your track. The synths are really nice and dreamy. With the kick that comes in at like 3:00, it almost reminds me of ceephax. Actually the whole thing sorta does in a way. Neat picture, too.

There’s some really great music here, and I want to reply to it all like you so kindly have. I’m really busy right now though, and honestly didn’t have time to make a track but I managed to anyways. Just so everyone knows in case I can’t find the time to say the things I want to, you are all awesome and thank you for existing, my ears have been very happy.


The track in 9/8:

The file:


very nice! some BOC and 90s idm vibes in here… i like :+1:
did you write this all today?

nope, I had some adventures these days I wasn’t able to polish it as I wanted. :frowning: