Mute / Unmute & Del / Insert To Each Column

When i editing multiple columns in one track, i missing ability to Del / Insert [IN] columns - it moves whole track… i need to cut/paste to move notes up or down in column … :(
Also i missed ability to Mute / Unmute each column ability ! I need to cut other columns every time to hear what happens on 1st for example… It’s annoying.

What you think ppl? :ph34r:

I guess this is what you need…

Insert New Row In Column: LShift + LControl + Insert
Delete Current Row In Column: LShift + LControl + Back

You can do this by clicking the small “Play” text above each column or with this shortcut:

Column Toggle Mute: LShift + LControl + Backslash

Also i missed ability to Mute / Unmute each column ability ! I need to cut other columns every time to hear what happens on 1st
for example… It’s annoying.

Take a look into the patterneditor again. You will see in the trackhead one global play/off icon and also one above each notecolumn. Click on the ones above each notecolumn to mute single columns.

I think we are doing something wrong or should at least drastically improve the interface if people who use renoise for month simply dont find already implemented features.

Wow! thanks to all :)) Wery quick reply.
That’s exectly what i need !

“If you want to hide something - hide it at more visible plase” - it’s true :)

And probably i should look into manual 1st…

With context menus people should at least find the features, even if they don’t always use them the most effective way (shortcuts)…