My free sample packs! [Analog Samples]

So I started making these a few years ago, and thanks to all the love and support I’ve gotten I just kept on going. Today I released sample pack #50, which is such a crazy milestone to me because sample pack #1 was basically just a joke / experiment to see if I could push myself creatively to do something like this.

To celebrate 50 releases, I figured this would be a cool place to share some free samples. They’ll stick to your Bandcamp account forever (if you have one), but you also don’t need to sign up in order to claim these. Happy sampling!


I also want to mention that if anyone makes any cool tracks with these, I’d love to hear them!

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Congratulations on your 50th sample pack! That’s quite a lot of them, well done. They sound good as well. So on towards a hundred! And many thanks for the free share.

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Thanks man i really appreciate this

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Just trying out the Renoise demo and will use your samples - thank you!


Reload! (Merry Christmas edition!)

They’ve shortened the URL to just now, so it’s even easier to punch in your code :smiley:

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Thanks so much! And thanks for using them, too! :smiley:

You’re welcome, and thanks for using them! :smiley:

Hey, that’s a great use of them! I hope that convinced you (in a roundabout way) to use Renoise over the long haul! Always remember, if anyone makes anything cool you can either spam me or just post them here! I always love hearing the crazy things people do with them! :smiley:


Everything is free now, but these codes still allow you to claim them and keep them forever



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is it possible to get a reload of the ones from the original post? they’ve all been used multiple times :slight_smile:

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i was able to grab the ones that hadn’t yet been used too many times, so this is a good selection to get started with.
the fun bit is that since i have a method of loading random samples from a folder (either a 120 sample drumkit aka random 120 samples from folder + subfolders, or 12 samples within an instrument, or 32 instruments with 1 sample each), i’ll be able to run this folder and see what happens.

heh, fun:
Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 14.54.54

looks like i gotta rename these so that can see them easier tho (removing Analog Samples - from the beginning of each sample

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Yes! If there are any that still can’t be redeemed, let me know and I’ll put more here (I have an overabundance of codes, somehow!). I plan on putting even more here on a random basis, too, especially if they’re getting some use :smiley:

Oddly enough, I like doing stuff like that with them, too, especially if it’s been a few years since I made the pack and my memory is hazy. I’ve made some bizarre sonic pi scipts that will grab a whole sample folder for basically instant sound-design fodder, and if anyone here likes that kind of stuff I’d also be up for sharing that sort of thing, too (even if it’s not strictly inside of resnoise, although there’s a lot that can be done there as well)!

Thanks so much for checking them out!

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Hi! Sure, scripts sound fun!

Yep, so starting from the first post, the ones that have expired, are:
Galactic Bass Shots
Metal Guitar Loops
Strange Noises

the rest worked without issues, i was able to find a functional code either by going from last to first, or just at random.

I think the ones i’d be interested in are “Glitchy Percussion” and “Impulse Responses” and “Analog Drum Loops” and “Drum Samples: One-Shots & Rhythms”

the Impulse Responses I’d experiment with using this Paketti feature, aka just loading them into Renoise and then experimenting with them one at a time, or at random.

…In fact, now, that’s an idea. Thanks!
I’m gonna go script a “Load Random IR from IR folder into Convolver” feature into Paketti!! Load Random IR from IR Folder into Convolver · Issue #824 · esaruoho/paketti · GitHub

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I set them all free for the time being so you should be able to grab whichever (including all of them!) that you want :slight_smile:

That sounds like an awesome idea, by the way! When I made that IR pack, I didn’t use a ‘proper’ single-sample shooter, so I’ve been kind of meaning to create a module that I can do more accurate IR-type shootouts with (and I have some ideas for cooler FX chains than just reverbs!). This is a great incentive for me to do that so I can make even more IR packs, so thanks for that as well :smiley:


thanks! i paid 1$ each (for 5 i selected) to store them on my bandcamp user account so can download them later.

and got this working:

now i can define a IR folder and load a random impulse response to the convolver device.

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