UPDATE: Thank you for the fast response on several points in this list while also building up a full new version. Impressive. Also thank you for everyone submitting more issues.
Hello. I’ve recently bumped into this keyboard issue on a few occasions, and decided to take it up on a suggestion post. Or this is more like a collection/discussion/problem-solving post really.
It seems to me that renoise is currently designed with a “1 hand on keyboard and 1 hand on mouse” -situation in mind. Probably even “Left hand on keyboard, and Right hand on mouse”, if one considers the placement of the transport-bound modifier keys, which, up until 2.8 (I assume) were not usable as modifiers. Now I myself came to renoise just recently, with version 2.6, so I’m hardly someone to come up and tell everybody what’s wrong with the program. These are just notions I’ve made that have root in me having a distant background with Impulse Tracker, which I recall being way more oriented towards the “2 hands on keyboard” -approach. That specific tracker being the way it was is not a reason for renoise to be like that too, but because renoise shares very much of the tracker-ness of that program, it certainly is a reason for a lot of frustration for me. For a 2handsonkeyboard-guy the 1-1 -paradigm brings about constant speed bumps when going about tracking awesome muzaks. For some (or most?) the 1-1 will probably work just fine. That is of course something to keep in mind.
Ok. So these are issues I’ve come up with when trying to use renoise on a more “2 hands on keyboard” -kind of way. I’ve also done a quick search on the forum and tried to link some relating threads here. So this post is not really about getting new features as such, but only about getting the current features reachable with keyboard. (Well, yeah, that’s a feature… kind of… ok… so I want that one!) And on a recent thread there kinda built up a suggestion to rise up and speak for the keyboard people. So I’m also trying to do that, may that work or not.
The point of this post I think is twofold;
1)I’d like to find out if any of these are really just me being silly, not knowing about things. I’m pretty sure that must be the case on some situations.
2)I want to gather up a pile of this stuff, so that one could look at the whole picture and as a result, the problems can be perhaps solved.
So. Start shooting these down, or posting other issues, or giving me solutions, guidance, workarounds, and whatnought. I hope either these problems get worked out, or I get over these problems.
General keyboard usage improvements:
Issue:Secondary keyboard shortcuts
Original thread
Another one crediting the first one
The first one. In a post in a thread related to keyboard.
-For switching between configurations (desktop<>notebook/right hand<>left hand?)
Issues that make keyboard usage hard:
Issue: Scripting terminal / editor shortcuts not available for customization
-Existing shortcuts clash with system shortcuts on OSX (CMD+TAB to switch between editor tabs)
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: No
Issue: Tracks cannot be moved with keyboard
-Would need a way to move tracks left/right, move in groups and out of groups
-Moving a track inside group can be done with “Extend Group to here-shortcut”, if the track is next to a group
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes[/i]
Issue: Stuff cannot be renamed with keyboard
-Sequence sections
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes
Existing scripts:
Issue: Can’t control the BPM value with keyboard.
- increase +1, decrease -1, Set (focus the valuebox)
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes
Existing script:
Tempo tool
Issue: Can’t adjust DSP parameters with keyboard.
-Thread suggesting this feature
-I’m not talking about DSP external editors, but the ones that have a native GUI should be controllable via keyboard.
Type: UI shortfall
Scriptable: Possibly?
Issue: Can’t set computer keyboard velocity with keyboard.
- a thread
- increase +1, decrease -1, Set (focus the valuebox)
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes
Issue: Can’t directly focus certain areas. (DSP search, Automation graph, Sample list, …?)
-DSP List/Search box (This is not so bad. It’s rather quick to use the TAB from the DSP-lane)
-Automation graph. (This is harder. Pressing TAB just rotates focus (maybe logically) between the list and search box. To move to graph you must hit focus next view, which I assume usually is TAB with a modifier).
-Sample list. This simply cannot be focused without the next/prev view.
-Overall this is not a ‘killer’ issue, just a… well, a speed bump.
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: No
Issue: Can’t focus certain keyboard editable areas at all without the mouse. (Instrument envelope, …?)
-This one surprised me. Hope I’m just missing something obvious.
-Can’t focus instrument envelope in any other way than alt+click.
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: No[/i]
Issue: Focus navigation could be done in a more intuitive way.
-Move focus area left-right-up-down, instead of plain left-right, skipping rows.
-This would not break the current focus movement stuff, if my calculations are correct.
-Current model works, but IMO this model would be better.
Type: Improvement/Feature
Scriptable: No
Issue: You cannot rotate the window focus around some floating windows with keyboard.
-Preferences for instance
-Only window that would have this focus rotating on my system is the Scripting editor/Terminal window
Type: UI shortfall
Scriptable: No
Issue: Can’t navigate within certain windows / UI areas with keyboard
-Preferences. The ideal situation would be that you’d be able to switch between ui panes and access the various tickboxes/menus with keyboard. (say by tabbing or left/right or something.)
-Another obvious example: Modal dialogs. (see a thread).
Type: UI shortfall
Scriptable: No
Issue: The preset/favorites button system is partly inaccessible through keyboard.
-Updated this one. I was not looking hard enough.
-Meaning the 1,2,3,4,… buttons
The ones accessible are:
-Disk browser favorites
-Global view presets
The ones inaccessible are:
-Automation envelope
-Instrument envelope
-Groove settings
Type: UI shortfall
Scriptable: Not really. Could be worked around by a separate preset system, but why.
Issue: The advanced editing panel is inaccessible through keyboard.
-original thread
-The panel might need a rework besides just shortcuts.
-Content mask = THE Gripe.
Type: Missing shortcuts/Improvement
Scriptable: There is a chance.
Issue: Weak control possibilities in Automation Graph
-Move to next/prev automation point
-Move to next/prev sequence
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes? (mainly worried about selection, or the shift key here)
KEYS 1,4,8 NOW BINDABLE, renoise 2.8. b6
Issue: Certain keys not bindable (just an oversight?)
-1, 4, 8
-original thread
Type: UI shortfall
Scriptable: No[/i]
Issue: Sample editor undo inaccessible with keyboard
-original thread
Type: Missing shortcut
Scriptable: No[/i]
Issue: Bad overall control of the Instrument settings -area.
-This whole area seems immature on the keyboard side of things. Granted, it was only revamped on 2.7, if my memory serves me right.
-Cannot focus anything in the Instrument settings area with a direct shortcut. The Focus Instrument settings-shortcut merely opens the tab in the bottom frame.
-No way to switch between panes (Samples, Plugin, Ext.Midi) without the mouse. (Not counting the ‘load sample’-method, which IS kinda obvious, and works)
-No way to open/interact with the MIDI input -subpanel without the mouse.
-No way to open the envelope subpanel without the mouse.
-No way to focus the envelope graph without the mouse. This is fixed so that it can be focused similarly as the sample list, with ‘focus next view’.
-No way to focus sample list directly without the mouse. (For copy, rename, etc.) Can be done with Focus next view, when the list is visible.
-No way to add a new (empty) sample without the mouse (the + button). (?)
-No dedicated keybinds for the sample list. This one’s really weird: shortcuts for moving in sample list exist, and are customizable, but some shortcuts cannot be customized, and are not listed (Rename, being cmd-r on OSX, copy, paste, duplicate, etc…). Because they simply don’t exist in the list, one could assume these would be common with the instrument box shortcuts for renaming and copying, duplicating etc. but this does not seem to be the case. Luckily they seem to be very intuitive…
-No way to edit inst/spl properties (volume, pan, transp. etc.) without a mouse. (Could be possibly scripted, these)
-Envelope editing shortcut keys seem to be shared with Automation envelope editing. This was all new info, and rather surprising such for me, so I think documentation/presentation of this could be improved. This might, however, explain some of the shortcomings of automation envelope editing with the keyboard.
-No real way to interact with the envelope panel without the mouse. (Switching envelopes, LFOs, editing values in menus or valueboxes…)
-No way to interact with the Plugin-subpanel without the mouse.
-No way to interact with the Ext. midi-subpanel without the mouse.
Type:Missing shortcuts/UI shortfall
Scriptable: Yes (Missing shortcuts, possibly some UI shortfall) and No (Most UI shortfall)
Issue: More button in Disk browser inaccessible with keyboard
Type: Missing shortcuts
Scriptable: Yes