Native Plugin Idea: Sample-Based Convolution Reverb

One of my favorite plugins, back in the old days when I used VSTs (I’m all native now) was a convolution reverb plugin, which had a filename input where you gave the filename of the file you wanted to use as reverb. It was a bit inconvenient to browse for filenames when you already had the sample in your XRNS, you couldn’t use use files within .zips (and therefore, .xrns’s), and it was anything but portable.

Seeing as how it’s kind of a basic reverb method, and ideal as a native effect, would it be too difficult to include some sort of convolution reverb in the next version?

hmm, this is the first time i heard about this kind of thing… what exactly does it do? is it like a vocoder for reverb or something? so it applies the waveform to the reverb? so if you use a wobble as a sample the reverb will wobble, something like that?

I think he’s probably referring to something like the SIR reverb VST plug-in, which is a convolution reverb that uses impulse responses. An impulse response can be used to capture the characteristics of a certain space such as a cathedral, a sewer tunnel, the inside of your kitchen sink, or pretty much anything else, and through the process of convolution this impulse response can be applied to any audio source you want, making it sound as if the audio was recorded within that particular space.

It’s very common to use impulse responses that are captures of certain spaces for reverb purposes, but you can of course use any sample you want as the impulse response. You can apply a synth stab to a breakbeat, for example, to create a kind of vocoded effect. You can even use it to capture the response of a certain piece of audio hardware like a mixing desk or a tape deck. There are tons of ways you can use it, and it’s really fun stuff!

impulse responses are not only used to mimmick enviromnments ( space and reverbs ), they are also used to mimick vintage gear , studio equipment by taking impulse responses from the actual hardware .but don’t ask me how they do that

As far as I know, it’s just a matter of playing an ‘impulse’ sound through the equipment and then recording it. Pretty much the same way you would capture an environment for reverb. Nothing fancy really.

It just gives you something close to the color of the gear, but it doesn’t have the dynamic characteristics (distortion…) As far as I know dynamic convolution exist only on hardware (like on the Liquid Mix), it more complex because it require more samples at different levels and frequency and so, more cpu to calculate, more than analog modeling plugins for almost the same result.

Yup, you guys know what I’m talking about! I used to have a lot of fun with this stuff - you could get some great ambient noises by filtering a sound, using it as the impulse response, and sending a filtered melody through it. I didn’t know you could use it for simulating tape hardware and stuff, though, that’s pretty cool!

I’ve never been a fan of this stuff for some reason, always struck me a too stiff and un-organic. Not sure why, must be a taste thing. Still, it would be good to have in Renoise natively for anyone who wants to use it. Having it linked with the samples loaded in your instrument slots would be cool, IRs or whatever.

I’m all for a native convolution reverb. Especially one with a shorter latency than the old SIR.

too bad it’s not the same as a vocoder, or i could’ve said: yes i want a native vocoder. however, reading this, i would like a native convolution reverb as well.

someone clever can implement this type of processing now already through scripting.

As a tool that can process samples ‘offline’ perhaps, but definitely not as a real-time effect.

yep, offline. Maybe modifying Johann’s ‘run cmd on selection’ is an easy way to get the sample values, than do the multiply & add convolution shebang.

I’m curious about the advantages of making this native to Renoise. Compared to algorithmic verbs, convolution verbs don’t exactly offer much that can be automated. So what exactly would a native convolver offer that we can’t already get from something like SIR?

Is it just the ease of accessing samples that are already in the XRNS?

Or is there also some kind of sonic/musical capability you envision it providing that can only be done if it’s native?