Nature Documentaries

Have fun with that. <_<

I love violent fucking.

unfortunately, it is already written and continues thus…

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy.
I got love in my tummy,
And I feel like a-lovin you:
Love, you’re such a sweet thing,
Good enough to eat thing
And that’s just a-what I’m gonna do.

Aaah, okay… :) Hence I asked where it was from. Cheers for the share tho, gonna surprise my GF with a lil tune tonight.

she’ll love it! i just scored you a good night buddy. ;)

In a way he’s right, because it is no fun at all if you’re an idealistic pacifist and someone attacks you… been there, done that, learnt to be violent when needed… no fun either but reality is that man is a violent animal :(

As long as it’s consensual, there’s no problem

Martin Luther King and Ghandi are great, but in the big scheme… it’s very easy for us male white middle class fairies to act all high and mighty because we silently benefit from all the (counter) violence of which we now enjoy the fruits, without having done ANY of the work.

Even the “self-discovery” is often based on being uncomfortable… which could be argued as being a very slight amount of violence, even if people inflict it on themselves because they realize “hey, this could happen to me, and then it would suck, so I better feel bad about my behaviour”.

Not even Noam Fucking Chomsky is against violence under “any and all circumstances”, so yeah, if that is sooooo stupid to you that it’s not even worth debating, I rest my case (and consider myself in great company).

I don’t think im the only one who will be sad this thread has died a very horrible death :(

  • Buy this DVD!!!
    and check out “faces of death”… if your man enough…

I’m against animals from now on.


It’s the only movie that exists, actually.

and because I brought chomsky up haha…

so again… yawn + “up yours”… godwins “law” is nothing but a mixture between bullying and trolling.

as for symbiosis/slavery:


  • Noam fucking Chomsky

again: why did people stop wearing furs? because PETA kindly asked them to? because people meditated and discovered themselves? or because of a massive backlash, partly violent? (spray painting a fur may not be the same as beating someone up, but it sure is closer to being aggressive than to being passive…)

And what of those people who weren’t racist who just happened to have shaved heads and got beaten anyway… was that justified in your opinion?

I 'm against being against animals from now on. :P

I was specificially refering to Berlin, and specific parts of the city where people now can enjoy a decent neighbourhood because Neonazis got droven out and (violently) blocked from coming back in. I assure you nobody with a shaven head got mistaken for a Nazi. And I’m sure Berlin isn’t the only place… but granted, when I said “skinheads” I should have said “Neonazis”, but I assumed that’s kind of a given.

The point is, there is no non-violent way to counter certain things/people… and not countering means to accept the already ongoing violence. And yeah, sometimes I DO think it’s justified to sweep with a too broad brush rather than with a too narrow one. It depends on the numbers, the relations.

You know what a dozen of Nazis do to the “wrong” people they encounter, say, in a park at night? THEY TEND TO KILL 'EM. So if to root them out you have to beat up one non-Nazi for every ten actual Nazis, I’d say that’s a great ratio and an overall success. It’s not desirable, but it beats the alternative of watching the cops twiddle their thumbs.

why dont you guys go create your own topic…seriously

ah, i had my popcorn ready for teh ‘them ar dissin us’ thread…
but i missed it late…! :)

What?! I humanize you!!

OH NO[/center]