Neat-O Renoise Bugs

May be a dumb topic, but i want to see if anyone else has weird things like this or anything else going on. it hasnt been a real ongoing problem. happened once and never again, thought it was neat and took a screenshot. [2.5]

That’s without doubt, a hardware, driver, or user issue.

you hacked the matrix

I would pay to have that feature implemented :D

something similar happened to me when hardware temperature rose too up. probably you were stressing your PC too much with Renoise :)

That is amazing. Did you look under your desk to check and make sure your PC wasn’t at that moment getting it from behind from your old, forgotten atari 5200? I suggest cleaning any serial ports your computer may have and eBaying that Atari immediately to prevent any future recurrence of that problem.

yea. now that it’s brought to my attention, it probably was from my shit getting too hot. i’ve got a 12" powerbook G4 that was awesome 5 years ago. now the fan screams when i engage in modest levels of signal processing. i have a very bittersweet relationship with the rapid advances in technology as inflation never really ceases either, making it difficult to find a cost effective substitute for my machine. but i refuse to revert back to windows. anyway, thanks for the replies. if anyone encounters any other sort of erratic behavior within the renoise environment, i’d love to see it. it makes me moist.

renoise works for linux as well… :)

Oh man. I’m sypathetic, but yer doin it wrong. :wink:

i understand that everyone has an opinon. but i’ve worked on windows, linux, and os x, and, out of experience, i have to stick by my preference. but i’m not one to say anyone is wrong for choosing windows or linux either. choice is a good thing.

(but i must say, my opinion is slightly biased seeing as how i’d hate to further support anyone who has this to say.)

Theres always this shitty option.

About that antivax bill-gates stuff tho, doooood. Thats some serious conspiracy shit right there.

true that.

I still don’t like Bill Gates. I don’t wanna hate on him giving money to help people, but I can’t stand the guy, same with Steve Jobs. Linus Torvalds however seems like a genuinely cool guy. that’s why I’m running Windows, because has a few apps I don’t wanna do without. err.

oh, and if that screenie above is not a bug/feature, it should be.

yea, i really do have to admit that there is some windows software that i long for. but…once i can afford a new machine, bootcamp and/or crossover will take care of that.