Need Help With 09xx Please!

I’m fairly new to renoise and I’ve been searching the forums but haven’t figured this out…I even watched the fairly straightforward youtube video on this subject…

regarding using 09xx with a looped rhythm sample, how do you know where the sample ends in the pattern editor. that is, if i type 0900 on the line i want the sample to start, how do i know on which line to type 09ff (if my plan is to then hit ctrl-i to interpolate in between) ; the question therefore also applies to what line do i finish triggering the sample on…

i loaded the beatslice tutorial but it doesn’t help since everything is already inputted…

it seems to me that depending on the length of the sample, if you want the complete sample to play within the sequence, the final line of the sample (and therefore also of 09ff) will change varying on how long the sample is…but how do you know where?

can somebody please explain in detail? I just want to be able to input looping samples in this manner so that 1) they fit the song tempo and 2) i can then start changing the sample offset to create beat FX (in other words, i want to do exactly what the tutorial is doing, i just don’t know how to set it up!)


Well you are generally going to want your loops to fit the tempo of your track so first thing to do is work out the tempo of your loop. Various ways of doing this, most simple probably being to start it playing on the first row of a pattern then change the tempo until you hear it looping nicely (with the pattern at right length obviously.) Maybe not the most accurate but will usually suffice.

Once you have done this you could play the sample say 8 times throughout the pattern using 0900, 0920,0940, 0960, 0980, 09A0, 09C0 and 09E0 and it would sound exactly the same as when it was looping as you are playing the sample with trigger points where they would be playing if you let the sample play through naturally.

Remember to look in your sample editor, across the bottom is a rule with the sample offset values marked. Nice and useful for finding what values you want to use.

Can do a basic, half speed break by having the sample triggered throughout on a pattern twice the length of the break and interpolate from 0900 to 09FF the full length of the pattern.

Or from the earlier, where you have it retriggered throughout the pattern, and try doing similar by stretching a single beat.

Just play about with it. Not how clear my examples are, I don’t use 09xx as extensively as many on here.