I’m looking forward to buy a new audio interface to upgrade my home studio and replace my old M-Audio Audiphile 24/96, so any suggestions/advices are welcome.
My aim at the moment is to achieve as good sound quality as possible for the money - my budget is around $1100. I don’t need too many ins/outs, but it would be good if
I could extend my interface in the future. What I want to do at the moment is recording acoustic guitar and other instruments. Here is my list after reading tons of
forums/reviews on the web in the last weeks - basically I chose 4 interfaces, and I’ll pick one of them but it is really hard to decide since each one has its own pros and cons.
(My system: Win7 Ultimate x64 sp1, MSI 785GM-E51 with latest BIOS, AMD Phenom II x4 945 3.0GHz, GEIL Black Dragon DDR3 4x2 GB 1333MHz, windows/drivers/everything are up do date.)
1. E-mu 1616m PCIe http://www.creative.com/emu/products/product.aspx?pid=19007
- PCIe interface, better latency
- Superior A/D conversion in this range
- MIC pres, so I’m ready to record
- It would be the best solution in price => more money for cables, and a Shure sm57
- Crappy support and even worse drivers for WIN7 x64, a lot of love/hate opinions on the web (the device died, phantom power died, etc.)
- In general, it seems I would buy a pig in a poke and I can only hope that it’ll work properly with my system/motherboard (if it works it is a great unit/interface according to the reviews)
- The company seems to be “dead” for years(?) especially in case of upgrading their drivers
2. RME HDSPe AIO http://www.rme-audio.de/en_products_hdspe_aio.php
- PCIe interface
- Stable and professional support/drivers, trustworthy quality in general
- Probably the best solution in long term as a “soul” of my future home studio (stability, quality, etc.)
? Built in A/D D/A converters are great in this range
- No preamp built in, which means I have to buy an M-Audio DMP3 (nothing better because of my budget) with the card
- Additional cost for the balanced cables (the unbalanced ones are packed with the card)
3. Focusrite Saffire PRO 40 http://global.focusrite.com/firewire-audio-interfaces/saffire-pro-40
- Lots of features
- Great sounding preamps
- Nice and flexible “outboard” box with headphone and main monitor adjusting
- Stable drivers
- FireWire interface (possible problems with connectivity, higher latency, etc.)
? Not as good A/D conversion as the EMU or RME
4. ECHO AudioFire Pre8 http://echoaudio.com/products/audiofire-pre8
- Stable drivers and support like RME
- Very good sound quality in general
- FireWire interface
So I would appreciate any experience/advices related to the mentioned interfaces. Thank you! />