To celebrate the release of 1.5, why not start a new competition like the Beat Battle type?
You could give away free copies to the winner(s), I wouldn’t need one myself because I’ve only owned a registered copy since 2.81 which will keep me going for a while but I think it’s a good idea.
Oh yeah, have you guys thought about press releases etc when 1.5 is released?
Music mags, websites, I’m talking serious spammage here - let the world know that Renoise exists!
Try the herb of St. John’s wort if you require cheap optimism tablets.
And i mean cheap since they caused me being overjoyed bout the death of my mother in law and caused my divorce with my wife.
It can happen. Computer Music (or future music) in the U.K. (and distributed in America) did a review of Madtracker 2 about 2 years back.
Will Renoise ever be excepted as ‘mainstream’ ?? Who knows, but it’d be great to have more music coming out that’s made with Renoise. Problems that a new user would have:
The learning curve - rns does come with a few demo songs for people to be able to learn the program, but should include a few instruments in the instruments directory and a few templates like fruity loops comes with, then links so people can download new instruments, songs…ect
Thats a big obstacle because I had ScreamTracker 3 for years and just played with other people’s songs until I got into using it on my own.
The community - Renoise has the best community, a great web page where users can talk ask ask questions, and even a beginers page, but like I said before everyone in my city uses Reason or Fruity Loops, so I wouldn’t have started tracking if it wasn’t for a guy I know from school who uploaded me ST3 back in BBS days (remeber those?).
Media - if Renoise could get into Future Music ( that would be enough exposure to quadruple the amount of registered users. Its a worldwide magazine. So spam them (i didn’t say that!)
i don’t know. Its up to us users to promot the Program and up to the developers to create a great program.
ooh wouldn’t recommend that. Its a big Raver thing where I’m from, and even my mom has some.
I took it once in college, big mistake. it made me be emotional to my girlfriend.
Well, at least they supposed to be less harmfull than cocaine and heroine, but they seem to have the same kind of sideeffects to relatives
If it solves the problem, then it’s usefull but if you like your family… leave them alone.
I think they should wait doing PR untill pianoroll is done, the effect will be greater i believe. Also it’ll probably be harder to get magazines to review it again once pianoroll is in… i can’t believe how many uses this form of making music
But once the PR starts, bang the drums in the name of fast tracking.