I was referring to Phazze’s idea (in the topic you referred to a few posts up) about having a layout similar to:
[pattern 1][pattern 2][pattern 3]
[pattern 4][pattern 5…]
[pattern 6…]
a kind of pattern-sequencer…
vertically, pattern 1, 4 and 6 would be “linked”, ie played at the same time.
Let’s see if I understood things correctly now; this would be presented in a left-to-righ way, instead of the usual top-to-bottom one-column pattern arranger we have now.
Taktik’s idea was that instead of having whole patterns, a track-view would be built in a similar fashion:
…|…pattern 1…||…pattern 2…|
track 1: […sequence 1…][…sequence 2…]
track 2: […sequence 3…][.seq 4.][.seq 4.]
track 3: [.seq 5.][.seq 5.][…sequence 6…]
track 4: […sequence 7…][…sequence 8…]
- a similar solution, graphical wise, but without grouping tracks together like in the pattern-example above.
I find both the top and the bottom idea to be interesting, but have my own ideas as well.
the bottom idea alone seems to be just what we have now, presented in a cubase-like fashion with patterns added.
however, I can see its usefulness when it comes to arranging sequences quickly.
what I was thinking was that maybe the top and the bottom solution can be combined.
the way I was thinking of an alternative combination of the two above could be like this:
… -sequence-view-
[pattern 1…][…
[pattern 2][pattern 3][…
[pattern 4…][pattern 5][…
- in this view, you can rearrange pattern-sequences
double-clicking on an pattern (pattern 1 for an example) would result in the following:
… -pattern 1- … -following pattern-
track 1: [b-drum seq. 1.][b-drum seq. 1.]
track 2: [hat 1.][hat 1.][hat 1.][hat 2.]
track 3: [snare seq. 1…][snare seq. 2…]
track 4: …
track 5: …
… -underlying pattern- … -following pattern-
track 1:…
- a view where you can scroll around and arrange the order of the sequences inside the pattern. the view would be focused on the pattern you had double-clicked in the sequence-view, but you could easily reach the other patterns by scrolling sideways and up-/downwards.
since there would, effectively, be no “patterns” as of today’s meaning of the word, a new-style pattern could be twice as long as another one, but still played at the same time.
automation could be co-existent with both patterns AND tracks, integrated in the GUI as such:
pattern sequence 1: [pattern 1][pattern 2][pattern 3]
pattern sequence 1: [automation, vol. ramp 1 to 100]
pattern sequence 2: [pattern 4][pattern 5…]
pattern sequence 3: [pattern 6…]
track 1: [b-drum seq. 1.][b-drum seq. 1.]
track 2: [hat 1.][hat 1.][hat 1.][hat 2.]
track 2: [automation…]…
track 3: [snare seq. 1…][snare seq. 2…]
perhaps this is way too cumbersome to even consider, but it is something I have been thinking of…