New Registered Guy...

Hey people (BYTE-Smasher, you’ll know me… from #modarchive :D) but I have finally registered in this forum. I’ve had almost a year’s experience with MadTracker 2 (Since September '06) and started with Renoise in December last year.
Some questions…

  1. Why is Renoise development so active? Like, I’ve waited AGES for the next Cubase (got it back in '04). Is there a secret, or is a bot doing it?
  2. Was MT2’s author, Yannick Delwiche the target of criticism a few months ago? (There was a thread on the MT2 forum referring to this) Or was it pointed at someone else?
    Anyways, gtg, :guitar: :panic: :drummer:

do we have three taktiks now or four ?

and could he just do it once again and send one clone to hang out with me ? I wanna be the coolest kid on the block.

can I have a non-smoking Kloneel?

The fact that I was mentioned in someone’s first post to the forums amuses and pleases me greatly :D … and welcome to the community Prometheus-3!! Feel free to join #renoise on esper if you haven’t already ;)

:D cool!

So it was at Cubase… lol. So there’s another question answered :D Thanks guys!
btw check out - it’s my website. Enjoy!

just what we need, ANOTHER alex :P

This makes 3 Alex’ I know…

including me ?
