Well… but you can’t live off music alone… so either everybody makes some music on the side while working the fields (“whistling”), or some specialists dedicate themselves to it so everybody can go to a phat concert after work…
I’m not even playing devil’s advocate, I think it’s not as simple as “music wants to be free”. Personally I’m more into spreading a message than thinking about how to make money off it… but I DID spend quite a deal of time, money and health on it, so I fucking well reserve the right to try to get some of that back at some point. Even if that means deleting all shady mp3’s just to not be a hypocrite… ugh, now that I think about it… oh well, reserving a right is not the same as claiming it.
I wanted to post a comment (btw, nice anti spam you got there, asking for your name, I like that) and when I click preview, it says my IP is blacklisted!!!