Hi all,
I’m back with a new song, a jazz quartet one: “La Femme et le Chien” (The Woman and the Dog"), dedicated to Beep and Mucca.
Hi all,
I’m back with a new song, a jazz quartet one: “La Femme et le Chien” (The Woman and the Dog"), dedicated to Beep and Mucca.
trumpet solo is very dave douglas.
piano, drums, and bass are very brad mehldau.
recently people have hassled me for discrediting the renoise artists by comparing to other artists and apparently stealing their sense of individuality. this is not so, take this as a compliment because i love these artists, and i love what you do.
btw, the mp3 version is a damaged file or something, it cuts out halfway.
beautiful piece though mate.
thanks ryan! there is no problem with me when someone compares me to other artists; it is also very funny when people compare me to artist I never listened to, which is the case of Brad Mehldau here.
I have uploaded again the song on last.fm, sorry for the issue.
Wow! It is very, very good!
Very impressive mister! Great improvisations, hats off!
love it!
Fantastic tune.
Unbelievable! Outstanding!
I’m extremely in love with the variations, the arpeggio piano plays at 24", going completely atonal at around 2:50, … The trumpet trances me. I wonder how trumpet is humanized in such a realistic way.
Jazz, jazz, keep it coming.
thanks you all!
Ashkan, the trumpet is made using excellent SampleModeling’s The Trumpet, which has been just updated to 2.01, with some good new features which would have been handy if only they didn’t release it the day after I released the song
of course, the plugin doesn’t do the work by itself: you have to work on MIDI CC stuff a lot.
Thanks a lot for info. Listening to your tune for the 5th time…
oh by the way: if you ever buy the plugin, feel free to ask me for the XRNS file, so you will have some good Renoise usage example
Another thing: I don’t know if it has been your intention or not, but for me the piano perfectly images a woman and the trumpet a dog. At the arhythmical and atonal variation at the middle it is strongly felt that the two are in a fight! Fascinating!
I think I should give up listening to this tune… I’m hallucinating! 8|
hehe yes, in that part, the intention is to depict the struggling between my girlfriend and my dog, which are respectively the piano and the trumpet. in other parts they caress, they run together, and so on
I’m happy to see that you get the picture, since that was the aim!
I really appreciate that.
AAMOF if I even could pay EUR 149 for this terrific trumpet plugin via non-standard banking system here, still there would be the pain of downloading 300MB using my low-speed 56kbps connection, which merely download faster than 10kbps!! Maybe I’ll do if I can get an ADSL connection…
Yes! yes! The caressing part is perfectly felt at 3:11 You have a very charming gf btw
I’m really in a deep connection with this tune. It is so gratifying being able to sense what a composer has aimed in his tune, especially when it is a jazz one. This indicates your genius and creative mind more than ever.
Thanks for making my day It-Alien. You rock! (I mean you jazz!)
well, on last.fm and kara-moon forum, people asked if the drums were made by me or by computer. probably they asked only about the drums because they know I play drums
It’s bit too clean to confuse with live sound. I would put some general reverb and ambience on background to give it some special vibe.
very good but sounding very digital
you ar every good musician but you music lacks of real sounding a little bit
a special drums , maybe you can share your libraries list to us?
hi serumas,
the drums have been made using the Vintage set bundled into IK Multimedia Sampletank 2 XL
the piano is a custom model made basing on Grandpiano Mellow C1 preset of Modartt Pianoteq 2.3
the upright bass is Spectrasonics Trilogy
the trumpet is the German Trumpet preset of Samplemodeling The Trumpet
I really like this song. Having said that, I notice that the piano has absolutely no brightness to it, and when a note stops on the piano, there’s not enough ambience to keep it sounding real, and when the trumpet sound goes high in pitch, it sounds quite digital for some reason.
The drums, however, are very real sounding, as well as the bass–fantastic.
I always really like your compositions no matter whether they sound real or not. This is a great song!