This replaces my previous tool with the same name, which didn’t really work. Hopefully this will. It seems to work so far, but keep in mind that this is a very early version, so expect to encounter some bugs (and please report them here).
This tool makes it possible to trigger different instruments on different tracks from the computer keyboard. It uses the following keys:
1 2 3 4
Each of these keys triggers a C4 note on a different instrument/track, so it works best with drum samples or sampled phrases. You can assign the instruments and tracks to the keys in the midi input box of the instrument settings tab. Choose “Renoise OSC device”, and specify a channel and a track (see below). “Z” will trigger the instrument assigned to channel 1, “X” will trigger the instrument assigned to channel 2, and so on from left to right and from bottom to top.
Other keys that are uses by this tool:
Esc toggles edit mode.
Backslash ("") closes the tool.
Backspace undoes the last action.
All other keys will have their normal function.
Note: this tool only works when its dialog is focused (when the letters “Keyboard Jammer” are white).
Known limitations:
-the tool will only respond to key presses, not to key releases (this is not possible with the current API).
-the tool introduces some latency between the key press and the sound, which unfortunately is unavoidable.
Tip: You can assign multiple instruments to the same key, which you can use to layer drum sounds.
Have fun, and let me know what you think!