New Tool (2.8): Pking

What are the error messages if you just change ApiVersion from 3 to 5 in the manifest.xml file?

I don’t own a padKontrol, but it shouldn’t be too difficult fixing what might be wrong if we collab.

For reference:

NB. I am guessing that Renoise autoupdates simple renames of constants, properties and methods, but that it might fail if some native classes/objects are ‘cached’. AFAIK there are not many changes on some deep ‘structural’ level - at least none that would be difficult to fix. Automation access comes to mind…

NB2. One obvious culprit is found in modes/samp_edit.lua:359-. These have been deprecated:

And in modes/support.lua:37-

I tried to fix those here. Try it and let me know of any error messages. I hope mxb doesn’t disprove, even though the source code says “Copyright” :worried:
com.mxb.pKing.xrnx (34.3 KB)