New Tool (3.0): CDP lua tool

Great work, both of you!


I think with a lot of these functions, parameter border values (min-max) for amount of windows depend on the point/overlapping settings, no?

Is there some magic math trick in getting the amount of max windows possible depending on a samples length relating it to points-overlap setting?

Looking for example at Hilite;

dsp["Hilite bltr - Time-average and TRACE the spectrum"] = {  
cmds = { exe = "hilite", mode = "bltr", input = "pvoc", tip = "In each window, ..... ...the blurring effect. " },  
arg1 = { name = "blurring", min = 2, max = 32768, input = "brk", tip = "the number of windows over which to average the spectrum" },  
arg2 = { name = "tracing", min = 0, max = 32768, input = "brk", tip = "the number of (loudest) channels to retain, in each window" },  

I’d like some kind of get_length function for the max value of blurring and tracing, these max values change if you alter the preset points settings. Or maybe this is inevitable?


note with the ‘strange invert’ definitions, both don’t work currently as these functions have no arguments specified. They throw up an error notice inside the terminal. After having selected these definitions, other previously working presets don’t show their gui sliders et cetera anymore. If you close down the tool window and open it back up again it works as before.

Yeah I noticed that, not sure if there is a way to calculate what the range will be if you change the points, it seems to get smaller as points increases. I’ll see what I can find the docs, if there is some way to calculate the range then this will be easy to do. Its something I have thought to have some kind of rule argument that can be included in the definitions that apply a rule on one slider based on how another is set, this would also help with overlapping ranges or where one slider has to be lower than another.

Would be a nice thing to have indeed, decreasing the amount of erroneous settings.

Regarding the fft processes I remember there is a trade of between length of the time window used and frequency resolution, increasing one, decreases the other and vice versa. Should be proportional, looking at the values the terminal returns, the max length of window-sizes seems to be the half of the amount of points.

If points is 1024, window size range is 512 (min starts at 1, than max = 513)
If points is 512, window size range is 256 (min starts at 1, than max = 257)
If points is 4096, window size range is 2048 (min starts at 1, than max = 2049)

Changing the overlap value or replacing the sample with a shorter of longer sound doesn’t influence this proportion. Maybe you can make points available, similar to length & srate?

Not sure if this is helpful, but found a technical explanation on the relationship between time window length and number of sampling points;

New definitions & some parameter range fixes;

Attachment 4989 not found.

When i try to execute process that involves pvoc i’m getting this:

Application doesn’t work with this type of infile.

ERROR: Can’t open file C:\Users\palkin\AppData\Local\Temp\Renoise-0-3088\Renoise_TmpFile-0-7.ana to read data.

can you give more details? What process, mono or stereo file et cetera.

What system Operating System (32 or 64 bit) are you running?

A few pages back PSN also had problems running this tool and it was because Windows 7 authority settings, he fixed it through;

Most likely a stereo sample being used where only a mono sample is accepted.

System is Win7 Enterprise 64bit at my work. I suspect this configuration doesn’t allow CDP processes to generate files inside temp folder maybe.

Gonna test this on my home PC (which is win7 Ultimate 64bit) tonight.

Samples are mono.
Yes, CDP processes folder is located in My Docs folder too.

The non-pvoc processes also do stuff inside the temp folder (storing temp samples), so would be strange if those work and the pvoc definitions don’t(?).

yeah, they (non-pvoc) work fine. btw, they store wav files, not suspicious (for win7 maybe) *.ana files

Do you have a overzealous virus/spyware-checker causing blockage maybe?

The error message is coming from one of the processes so it could be something to do with parameter settings. What process are you getting this with?
Does ‘Blur Avrg’ work with the first slider set to 211 and the others left as they are?

Blur, Hilite, Focus etc, all those processes that involve pvoc.

Does ‘Blur Avrg’ work with the first slider set to 211 and the others left as they are?

Tried to switch off all firewalls, antivirus software — nothing helps <_<

What sample rate is Renoise running in, does changing this make a difference? Running out of ideas :(

Tried to change to 48000
No, nothing.

I’ll try to test this stuff on my home system today.

Ah the joy of Windows!.. I’m a bit stuck for suggestions, maybe it is something to do with .ana files. Not sure really, maybe there are some enterprise restrictions for command line stuff… See how it works on your home system and we will try and narrow this down.

Same for Win7 Ultimate 64bit

ERROR: Cannot open output file C:\Users\Kzm\AppData\Local\Temp\Renoise-0-5104\Renoise_TmpFile-0-9.ana  
ERROR: Can't open file C:\Users\Kzm\AppData\Local\Temp\Renoise-0-5104\Renoise_TmpFile-0-9.ana to read data.  
ERROR: Can't open file C:\Users\Kzm\AppData\Local\Temp\Renoise-0-5104\Renoise_TmpFile-0-10.ana to read data.  

when you get an error notice you can scroll through the terminal message in the tool gui, what does it say when you scroll above the “ERROR: INVALID DATA” message? Maybe stating the obvious, but sometimes the reason a definition wont work is because a certain parameter is set wrong, this can be mentioned somewhat above what is visible in the tool gui.

Not that I expect it to be the reason, but can you share the mono sample on which you’re trying to run the process? And share a definition + settings on which it guarantee fails?


in case you missed it a few pages back, this is a quote from the cdp site on compatibility in windows;

Have you set the programs to run under xp mode?

Yes, i tried all of those solutions

This text from terminal is complete.

I tested this on many samples and all of them were converted to mono before they were treated