I’ve uploaded a tool for manipulating the volume of pairs of note columns
Download from http://renoise.com/node/831
The idea is to add a series of volume command pairs so that the volumes of the two columns swaps back and forth.
Suppose you have a track with two note columns.
In the first you have a full-pattern sample playing some colossal beat.
In the second you have another colossal, but different, beat.
The goal is to switch between them during the playing of the pattern, with only one column audibly active at any given time.
If you did this by hand you could go through the pattern lines and set the note column value of one to “00” and the note column volume of the other to (say) “70”.
Perhaps you want them to swap every 6th line. Or maybe every 6th but also every 10th line.
You can do it but it’s tedious.
SwapChop automates this volume-setting work.
You get a simple GUI where you set the active volume for each note column. There is a text field where you can hand-enter a series of line numbers.
There is also a text field where you can enter a simple formula for generating line numbers.
The line numbers always start at zero. And the first note column is always set to be active while the second is set to zero volume.
You should not include any commas in your line-number list.
Auto-generate line numbers
- i j k means line numbers increment by i, then j, then k, then i, then j, etc.
For example:
3 5 would give you 3 8 11 16 19 24 … up to the number to lines in the current pattern.
3 2 5 would give you 3 5 10 13 15 20 23 25 … up to the number to lines in the current pattern.
/ i j k gives you all the lines evenly divisible by any of i, j, k, etc.
For example:
/ 3 5 would give you 3 5 6 9 10 12 15 18 20 21 … up to the number to lines in the current pattern.
/ 6 would give you 6 12 18 24 30 … up to the number to lines in the current pattern.
You should be able to use any number of integers with either of those commands.
I’ve been using this on a few of my recent songs to get some nice kinetic percussion going on by swapping among different beats and percussion rythmns. For example: http://music.neurogami.com/track/packing