New Tool (3.1): GT16-Colors v1.2a1 (updated 12 June 2017)

Yes its already build-in, so could be decoupled from instrument view?

Just to clarify. I do not just mean watching the piano in pattern editor (that also), but also to edit with the mouse, locate notes, etc (press a key [C-3] and the piano write a note [the C-3] in the cursor position in pattern editor).If you use 2 monitors, you can see the native virtual piano too.

There are a lot of things that are “simple” to add, without destroying anything from Renoise’s code.And many have to do with fast workflow.If it does not exist, it is because those responsible do not want to, not because of the difficulty in implementing it (of course there are exceptions).Perhaps because of that negativity, there are so many complaints in the forums.

I’m pretty sure that these are the two major factors to why they implement a feature or not:

  1. The cost (time) of making and maintaining it.

  2. If it is overall sensible - meaning it should be a general solution, fairly elegant and not tailor-made for just a few users needs.

and maybe 3) Be consistent with the internal roadmap/vision.

Good thing with LUA is that you can pretty much make your own quirky “macros” and “shortcuts”, just the way you want them :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure that these are the two major factors to why they implement a feature or not:

  1. The cost (time) of making and maintaining it.

  2. If it is overall sensible - meaning it should be a general solution, fairly elegant and not tailor-made for just a few users needs.

and maybe 3) Be consistent with the internal roadmap/vision.

Good thing with LUA is that you can pretty much make your own quirky “macros” and “shortcuts”, just the way you want them :slight_smile:

1)Time is important, especially if you devote to another thing.No doubts.

  1. This is very debatable.Renoise includes many things that are not widely used by most users.Perhaps here lies his greatness.

3)Nothing to comment here.You can not go against the creator and his inner vision.

LUA is one of the reasons why I use Renoise still.But it is a shame that some details are neglected under the hood, which have to do with the rapid workflow.Many features or details are not used by the vast majority of users, simply because it’s not included.

GT16-Colors v1.2b2 released! Download here: Comment #14

7181 wmp-note-tracker.gif


  • New checkbox for " Note Tracker" (NTr).Insert the parameters of Vol, Pan, Dly and FXs jumpy the empty notes, when step length (Lgt) is “01”.
  • The drop-down list of effects already includes detailed information for each parameter.
  • Small corrections here and there.

Enjoy! :drummer:

1 Like

Just some quick tiny thoughts Raul. To save having the transport record border flash when the user presses a ‘WMP key’, I suppose you could just preserve the note/volume/instrument rather than toggling the edit_mode in function ‘wmp_fn_bt_pres’?

Also (a small tip) surely no need to write all those if/else statements (for example in functions ‘wmp_ctrl_ins’ and ‘wmp_fn_pp_pan’)? Made my eyes go funny Raul scrolling around :slight_smile:

Just some quick tiny thoughts Raul. To save having the transport record border flash when the user presses a ‘WMP key’, I suppose you could just preserve the note/volume/instrument rather than toggling the edit_mode in function ‘wmp_fn_bt_pres’?

I leave here both codes, in case anyone wants to study it:

–Codefirst version (causes flicker in frame Edit Mode for pattern editor):

--Button Pressed for OSC Server
function wmp_fn_bt_pres( stored_edit_mode )
  stored_edit_mode =
  if stored_edit_mode then = false
  osc_client:trigger_instrument( true, wmp_instr(), wmp_track(), wmp_note(), wmp_vel() )
  if stored_edit_mode then
    local timer_func
    timer_func = function() = true
      renoise.tool():remove_timer( timer_func )
    renoise.tool():add_timer(timer_func, 40 ) -- 40 default value
--Button Released for OSC Server
function wmp_fn_bt_rel()
  osc_client:trigger_instrument( false, wmp_instr(), wmp_track(), wmp_note(), wmp_vel() )

-Codemodified (prevents flicker):

--Button Pressed for OSC Server
function wmp_fn_bt_pres( stored_edit_mode )
  local song =
  if song.transport.edit_mode == false then
    osc_client:trigger_instrument( true, wmp_instr(), wmp_track(), wmp_note(), wmp_vel() )
    local spi, sti, sli, snci = song.selected_pattern_index, song.selected_track_index, song.selected_line_index, song.selected_note_column_index
    local column = song:pattern(spi):track(sti):line(sli):note_column(snci)
    local patnte, patinst, patvol = column.note_value, column.instrument_value, column.volume_value
    osc_client:trigger_instrument( true, wmp_instr(), wmp_track(), wmp_note(), wmp_vel() )

    local timer_func
    timer_func = function()
      if column.note_value == wmp_note() and column.volume_value == wmp_vel() and column.instrument_value == wmp_instr()-1 then
        renoise.tool():remove_timer( timer_func )
        column.note_value = patnte
        column.instrument_value = patinst
        column.volume_value = patvol
    renoise.tool():add_timer(timer_func, 20)   
--Button Released for OSC Server
function wmp_fn_bt_rel()
  osc_client:trigger_instrument( false, wmp_instr(), wmp_track(), wmp_note(), wmp_vel() )

This issue was a headache! With the last code, even if a very high value is set inrenoise.tool():add_timer(timer_func, 20 ) the frame work without flicker.

Thank you for this!I will review it. Related Topic

Also (a small tip) surely no need to write all those if/else statements (for example in functions ‘wmp_ctrl_ins’ and ‘wmp_fn_pp_pan’)? Made my eyes go funny Raul scrolling around :slight_smile:

Yes, some functions can be reduced.At first, I use a breakdown to study behavior.I have to review all the functions again, in an optimization process.But I will take time to do it. Thanks!

4Tey, the WMP module already works very fine now.Perhaps, it could withstand some more complex features, but I am very satisfied.However, there is only one thing missing.When I started with the WMP module,I had in mind add the following characteristic:

  • Illuminate the keys when playing the notes that are written in the pattern editor, when you play the song?

Can you think of any way to do this?I asked in the forum and they have confirmed that it is not possible.Would there be any way to do it through OSC Server?I’m surprised there’s no way to do this.The basic explanation:

If note C-4 is written to the pattern editor in the selected note column, then light up a button with vb.views[‘id_button’].color.

This would serve to locate notes.I think it is not possible, but I ask, just in case. Did not you want to build a pianoroll tool?As?With the current API I think it is not possible.

GT16-Colors v1.2b3 released! Download here:Comment #14


  • WMP module: correction of frame flicker for Edit Mode in pattern editor.
  • Small optimization here and there.

This would serve to locate notes.I think it is not possible, but I ask, just in case.

I suppose Raul if Joule and Danoise say that it is currently not possible to illuminate the keyboard buttons is because as far as I am aware it is not possible to execute a script lua function in complete sync with the Renoise transport as it is playing (the Formula device may be more accurate in this regard I think…but that isn’t too much use for flashing buttons in a tool :slight_smile: )

I suppose Raul if Joule and Danoise say that it is currently not possible to illuminate the keyboard buttons is because as far as I am aware it is not possible to execute a script lua function in complete sync with the Renoise transport as it is playing (the Formula device may be more accurate in this regard I think…but that isn’t too much use for flashing buttons in a tool :slight_smile: )

Thanks! Ok, I think I already understand in depth what happens with this topic.I had some doubts, because I do not know the full potential of the OSC Server.But it is clear that the OSC acts in the process of writing the note.Reading after a note in the pattern editor is another history.The truth is a pity.At least, the piano sounds! :slight_smile:

The next challenge, build a pianoroll :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

GT16-Colors v1.2b4 released! Download here:Comment #14

7197 gt16-colors-startup-preferences-01.png

Include a new option of “Preferences” with new “Startup Preferences” pane, with:

  • Color Blend (for all tracks)
  • Pattern Template (Tracks)
  • Sequence Template
  • Metronome (Tr Phrase)
  • MIDI Mapping Profile
  • BMP
  • LPB
  • Lines
  • AutoPlay
  • A button of “Apply Preferences Now!”
  • for the moment…

This panel allows you to select any option or desired combination, to be invoked when starting a new song.Also load any xrnm file (MIDI Mapping) for your MIDI keyboard or MIDI PAD.If you wish, you can share in this thread your personalized MIDI file (xrnm), and it will be added.

GT16-Colors v1.2b5 released! Download here:Comment #14

7208 GT16-Colors_PMSS-01.png

Include new Module Tool PMSS: Pattern Matrix Specific Sequencer (old MESS).This tool helps to accelerate the distribution and order of patterns, with some interesting features:

  • Number of patterns to insert, with range of 0-16.
  • Predefined labels for section names.
  • Text editor to modify the name of section manually.
  • Multiplier, with range of x1 - x16.
  • Allows you to change the section name without inserting anything else.
  • Control of the number of lines per pattern.
  • In total, you can insert up to 256 patterns with a single mouse click.

Build your sequence of patterns to your liking! He is specially designed to start a new song, but also to be able to insert groups of patterns at any point in the composition.

Other improvements:

  • Now, GT16-Colors memorizes the selected panels view.Close Renoise and reopen Renoise and you will have GT16-Colors just as you left it.
  • Correction of REM button function, more optimized.Now you can delete up to 250 Tracks/Groups with this button.
  • Small code optimization of main.lua file.
  • Small corrections here and there…

“Old: MESS” :slight_smile: Haha, sorry, was it for purpose? Really amazing tool. Glad, you did not name it PMS :unsure:

“Old: MESS” :slight_smile: Haha, sorry, was it for purpose? Really amazing tool. Glad, I did not name it PMS :unsure:

^_^I was going to call this new module: “MESS” Matrix Editor Specific Sequencer.But better than the name include the word “Pattern” (Pattern Matrix Specific Sequencer).I think it is better understood.Apart from this matter, I hope you like the module… B)To enjoy!!!

PMS? :smashed: :smashed: :smashed: calm!

Lol, I actually wanted to write “you did not name it PMS”. No, I am not female.

That’s a fantastic update, the pattern tool is very nice addition.

That’s a fantastic update, the pattern tool is very nice addition.

Thanks!I understand perfectly how to use this module. I do not know if it is very difficult for others.I hope not.For example, if you deactivate the checkbox of Labels (text for “Name of Section”), you can add a lot of patterns only. If you use “00” in number value, you can change only the “Name of Section”.Things like that.You can also change the number of lines in individual patterns.Or set the value before inserting groups of patterns, (insert 4 of 64 lines, after others 4 of 96 lines, etc., things like that).

For the next version, I have already added a limiter of 1000 patters, to avoid an error (Renoise only allows 1000 patterns), >1000 return a error. I have also added a button “DF” to default. Finally, it will provide an updated real-time number that shows the total number of patterns before inserting. Small details.

Very useful to accelerate the process when starting a new song, as long as you are clear what you are going to compose, but you can also use it any time of the composition…

New progress with PMSS module tool:

7226 GT16-Colors_PMSS-02.png

Raul (ulneiz), I haven’t had much time to do much music recently but I didn’t find it difficult to use and it seemed to make sense to me. I’ll have to play with it a bit more though.

I wanted to ask you, is the doofer tool still in progress? It only gives me one option of doofer type to insert.

Raul (ulneiz), I haven’t had much time to do much music recently but I didn’t find it difficult to use and it seemed to make sense to me. I’ll have to play with it a bit more though.

I wanted to ask you, is the doofer tool still in progress? It only gives me one option of doofer type to insert.

Hi Mef Chaloin

Any module tool that has a “b” in the version is incomplete and I’m goin to take time to complete it. In the case of the DCSP module tool, I plan to include up gently to 40 chain presets (for the moment). This tool is like a briefcase, to carry chain presets.Moreover, if you want, you can share in this forum your chains presets (xrnt) to include them in this tool, if you are interested.The advantage of this tool is that you can see what it includes before inserting the chain preset.

Also, if you have any type of controller (keyboard or pad), you can share your midi file (xrnm) and the name of the controller to add myself to the tool.

Gently, Iwill be sharing more advances of the whole global tool. GT16-Colorsstarting to be a pretty sophisticated tool.At the moment it will support up to 10 modules, but there is nothing complicated adding another 10 or 20 more. It can be greatly expanded.