New Tool (3.1): Paketti (now compatible with Renoise v3-v3.4.4)

version now compatible with 3.1.1

been knocked up fairly quickly etc based on some twitter conversations. enjoy.

send feedback if ya like.

i have a keybindings.xml for macOS in case that matters.

Hi, I’ve decided to start doing animated GIFs showing features of PakettiR3:

is work still being done for r3?

Yup! I’m working on tweaking PakettiR3 so that it is no longer languishing from lack of attention, so any input you might have is very much appreciated!

My next step is to reimplement the 0b00 shortcut since that’s pretty darn nice.

Also, I’m not entirely sure how to embed, but



Keyboard shortcut for setting Pattern Length 4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512:

96 (64+32) is also widely used.

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96 (64+32) is also widely used.

48, 96, 192, 384 added. will update a bit later.

96 (64+32) is also widely used.

48, 96, 192, 384 added to phrase, pattern.

The… well Joule Pattern Doubler. Keyboard shortcut that doubles the current pattern content and moves your cursor to the right position afterwards. Pretty powerful tool.

Great stuff Esa, I’m starting to understand what is going on here. The potential is immense for speed and flow. I’m downloading it now and I’ll give it some time to play with it and give you some feedback.

Thanks mmd! I’m back to make this work properly on R3 so it’s good to see that it was somewhat grokked back then. Animated GIFs really help with making the features more understandable, and it was really ghostwerk that pulled this back from oblivion for me. Really important to know that the tool gets used, and now I feel like using it, too, knowing that there’s some people who want to use it.

BTW, the Computer keyboard velocity mappability to pckeyboard + midiknobs (for me, crossfader on my controller) is pretty dang crucial, so thanks for sending that idea my way half a decade ago!

I respect the work Esa, but it is to megalomanic for me, too many things I’ll never use, though there’s also some stuff I’d like to check out if it’d fit in my workflow. Maybe you can consider splitting the complete package into smaller themed packs?

I get what you’re saying. However, having shortcuts that you’ll never use does not take any CPU cycles or make Renoise run slower. If you don’t use them, don’t map them.

I’ll eventually create animated GIFs to most of the shortcuts, but splitting something close to 100 different shortcuts and midimappings to ~100 tools is simply not feasible. How to keep them updated? Also, what if opinions change and suddenly there’s a bug discovered that goes across multiple tools, used in combination, how to fix all of them in one go? By having all the shortcuts+midibinds in the same package to start with, hence Paketti.

I created this tool so that Renoise could work the way I want it to - coming from an ImpulseTracker/SchismTracker planet, and there are a few people who seem to like what (some of) it does - and I fully realize that there’s simply way too many shortcuts there for someone to digest at one go. But I mean, I treat this tool more like a theme or a template rather than a “do one thing, tool” type thing. It’s like a voyage of discovery - how could Renoise workflow be enhanced in so many ways that hopefully some of them could be integrated into native Renoise (although looking at how we think very differently (renoise devteam & me), i don’t think any of the tools in Paketti will be integrated in Renoise - so the best I can hope is that there will be more API functions. So huge thanks to the devteam for making Renoise LUA scriptable.

and, of course, major thanks to Brothomstates for encouraging me to look into it 7 years ago - he believed I could tackle LUA scripting when I thought it would be completely beyond me.

Anyway, about the massive features - the animated GIFs and video demonstrations will iron in why they were made in the first place.

I will eventually write documentation for this - once all the features work exactly the way I want them to. For instance, ALT-L / CMD-L semi-works but still has issues. I’m yet to figure out how to implement most of those IT/ST3 shortcuts in Phrase Editor - and there are limitations in the Renoise API v5 that make it difficult to accomplish some things.

With so many functions I think you need some kind of settings GUI that allows users to add the functions they want to have available to key map. You could also organise the functions by category and have a filtered list. I think this will help users keep track of all the functions better and pick the ones that suit them, especially if they don’t have some of the VST’s listed etc.

I have done a mockup of how this could look.


Hope it helps.


This mockup you posted is no longer there. Do you still have it? Also, there is the distinct difficulty of keyboard settings across PC/Mac - how to create the definitive Paketti-KeyBindings.xml that would work in PC/Mac without issues? I realize the need to throttle the features, to have GUI or config files that hide those pesky, annoying keyboard shortcuts that you really don’t want to see - and I’ve seen three or five or more people go “too many shortcuts” - but I have to ask, do you guys live in the Keyboard settings window in Renoise Preferences? Cos I don’t - I only open it when I need to bind a new shortcut, or switch…

Now, VST/AU would be really cool to get going - to have a GUI open that enables or disables specific ones, but then - what happens when you uninstall something, or install something, would it need some sort of scanning feature, too?

I think eventually VST/AU/Native EFX could be made into a GUI that enables or disables them - but this still does not solve the usecase where if I send someone a KeyBindings.xml, it will automatically get broken by Renoise because certain shortcuts are not enabled by default.

I’ve had to fight with this on my own for a while, because if I have a KeyBindings.xml on my iCloud Drive, and load Renoise (which I set to automatically save/load the KeyBindings.xml to/from iCloud Drive) - without Paketti and other tools installed, the bindings get destroyed (very destructive!)

I miss – EazyMaximizeSpectrum – feature. It is soon easter :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it still possible to code it for v3.1 ?

Hi, I’d like to get EZMaximizeSpectrum and EZMaximizeDiskBrowser back, too, but not sure how to accomplish it since the API v5 does not allow for it. - if it does, then I’m missing how it is done.

What I do now to get this effect is that I make Renoise two times bigger vertically than the screen, so then I can scale the spectrum more down to fill the screen.

Hi, I’d love to know more about this - can you show a screenshot?

PS I’ve had to start using View Presets in order to place Keyboard Focus on Disk Browser - I could find no way of doing it in Renoise API v5.

By the way, when I might add something:

What until now no one did (AFAIK) is an equivalent to the “edit step - move to next row with note” command,

but for the fx column. (i.e. edit step - move to next row with pattern effect) which would be uber-useful.

Maybe it’s that hard to do, I dont know.



Hi tL One - there’s one issue with this, to me, it feels like this would require the usage of notifiers, and I’m yet to master them completely (or at all). I think a native solution would probably be better.

but I’m wondering if Renoise3 already actually does this? I have set Note Step to 8 and when I input a effect command in the effect column, the cursor goes down by 8?

I miss – EazyMaximizeSpectrum – feature. It is soon easter :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it still possible to code it for v3.1 ?

I am only able to create a spectrum at this size - unfortunately. and this by hand, not by scripting. Could you tell me if you’re able to get a larger one going?

What I do now to get this effect is that I make Renoise two times bigger vertically than the screen, so then I can scale the spectrum more down to fill the screen.

haa… ouch. i’m not seeing how to do this with macOSX ?

7879 spectr.png

I can do this in Ubuntu and Windows. I found out this when improvising and live recording this video.

Oh , is Mac screen that strict?

I can do this in Ubuntu and Windows. I found out this when improvising and live recording this video.

Oh , is Mac screen that strict?

Cool, interesting. I hope we’ll get Maximized Disk Browser & Maximized Spectrum Analyzer back for Renoise API V6 or something, would be really useful. I miss that huge disk browser.

incoming in PakettiR3 0.13:

All Renoise shortcuts (42 of them?) now keybindable.


PakettiR3 v0.13 released:

Added Midi Mappings for:

  • Simple Play (global)
  • Simple Play+Follow - bump back to pattern editor (global)
  • Select Nearest sample + octave in currently selected track - bump back to pattern editor (global)
  • Set current pattern row and current selected track to 0B00 (reverse sample) (pattern editor)

Best to set all of these to buttons set to Toggle.

Record and Follow On/Off (global) - bumps you back to pattern editor, when you hit 127, playback is started, when you hit anything between 100-127, follow+record is on, you hit 1-100 and follow+record is off, you hit 0, playback is stopped.

Best to set this to a 0-127 knob.

Added Keyboard Bindings for:

All Native Renoise Effects (42)

Added Keyboard Bindings/Midi Mappings for:

  • Spawning View Preset 8 via keyboard + midi in Pattern Editor
  • Spawning View Preset 7 via keyboard + midi in Sample Editor.

User input required:

View Preset 8 should be set to have Focus on Disk Browser - with Samples selected in the Disk Browser tab and Pattern Editor displaying

View Preset 7 should be set to have Focus on Disk Browser - with Samples selected in the Disk Browser tab and Sample Editor displaying

These tweaks allow for usage of cursor up&down to select samples and pressing enter to load samples without any need to use the mouse.

Fixed function:

Simple Play Record Follow

  • if you are in Mixer, and Pattern Follow&edit is on, keep Pattern Follow&edit on and switch to Pattern Editor.
  • If you are in Pattern Editor, toggles Pattern Follow&edit on/off.
  • If you are anywhere other than Pattern Editor, go to Pattern Editor and toggle Pattern Follow&edit on.

2nd Follow Pattern Toggle

  • if you are in Mixer, and Pattern Follow is on, keep Pattern Follow on and switch to Pattern Editor.
  • If you are in Pattern Editor, toggles Pattern Follow on/off.
  • If you are anywhere other than Pattern Editor, go to Pattern Editor and toggle Pattern Follow on.

Show Automation/TrackDSP

  • If you are in Mixer, show Automation. If you are in Mixer&Automation, show TrackDSP
  • If you are in Pattern Editor, show Automation. If you are in Pattern Editor&Automation, show TrackDSP
  • If you are in Sample Editor, display Mixer&Automation.
  • If you had Automation displaying but went to Sample Editor or Instrument Editor, switch to Display and retain Automation.

Known issues:

Fix delay +1/+10/-1/-10 in phrase editor so it doesn’t just work on row1 column1… → doesn’t work because pattern_index not phrase_index.

Fix pitch up etc so that it works on “current row” if nothing is selected.


New method of quitting Renoise while showing gigantic warnings if song is not saved. multiple GUI windows.

  • tweak most functions so they “work better”. General oiling up of all features so they work better.

Can any of this stuff be applied to Redux?

Can any of this stuff be applied to Redux?

Redux does not have any support for tools.

They’re only availble for use within Renoise.

Can any of this stuff be applied to Redux?

I don’t have Redux and would prefer to use Renoise to be honest. I find multiple daws within daws confusing. As such, I’m not sure I’d ever feel like (even if Redux allowed for LUA scripting) there’s a need for Redux to have PakettiR3. Sorry to disappoint ya!

I don’t have Redux and would prefer to use Renoise to be honest. I find multiple daws within daws confusing. As such, I’m not sure I’d ever feel like (even if Redux allowed for LUA scripting) there’s a need for Redux to have PakettiR3. Sorry to disappoint ya!

Ok, no problem, thanks for the reply! I’ve found Redux to function rather well within a conventional daw but I can’t seem to shrug off the Impulse Tracker shortcuts and pattern commands imprinted somewhere deep in the back of my mind so I was wondering if there’s a way to alter those in Redux. Maybe I’ll ask around in a proper thread.

I was wondering if there’s a way to alter those in Redux. Maybe I’ll ask around in a proper thread.

Keyboard shortcuts can be changed in Redux to taste, just like in Renoise.

Check the keyboard preferences, where you can assign/import/export your custom mappings.

Hi, Paketti is now on my GitHub at

still working on tweaking - here’s a teaser for Init Phrase Settings - I only use notes and noteoffs in phrases - so this takes care of all the clutter. (hides delay,panning,volume,effect and renames phrase to “phraseindex”

Just a headsup, am still trying to figure out how to modify “delay,panning,volume column” & “effect column” writers to detect selection in pattern and act accordingly (will write to whole selection, if no selection, just current row), once I get that going, can do another update.

Also have rescued CheatSheet from oblivion, thanks to whoever put together Patchetti, still lots of tweaks to go but got effect writing working in effectcolumn and notecolumn:
7904 Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 8.31.31.png

am also looking at trying to make column-writing controllably by sliders in gui, shortcuts AND midi - still having issues with gui + midi modifications to the code. would prefer to get those all out “properly” and then update to paketti 0.14 :slight_smile:

also, what else, oh yeah, joule helped me with the phrase editor so that we have a phrasedoubler coming. and I might be bringing back “on app launch” notifiers and stuff.

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