New Tool (3.1): Paketti (now compatible with Renoise v3-v3.4.4)

Ok so quick update:

Working on Disk Browser focus and switching between pattern editor + disk browser focus
reintroducing notifiers for sample load and for startup, one thing i got working was:

  • when creating a new song, randomize bpm between 80 and 180 and start playback.

Enabled groove settings (set to 0 0 0 0) by default on song.

still need to reintroduce track recording and looping using 0G01, needs notifier work.

working on Smart Folder stuff.

Trying to figure out how to get Preferences going.

Wrote a slider for setting delay settings on column.

Configured TAL Reverb 4 to the correct settings. same with VintageVerb ValhallaDSP

Trying to feed settings to PPG Wave V2 (arpeggio speed) but no luck yet.

Trying to figure out how to render selection to sample (need this for smartfolders)


posting again to say, thank you esa! this tool is amazing.

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Is there somewhere a premade config file for Impulse Tracker style keyboard layout (for Windows machine), which I can download? I installed Paketti and I can see that I can set the keyboard shortcuts like in Impulse Tracker (F5 to start playback etc) but it would be nice to have a some kind of a template/example configuration to start with.

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Hi, I’m trying to reboot Paketti for the M1 so that I’d be able to use it myself. I’ll also make the KeyBindings.xml available so that others can benefit from it somewhat. I guess I’ll need to write a documentation as to what’s been changed, how and why, in the KeyBindings, but at least I’ll benefit from being able to track again on macOS + M1 + Renoise.

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Once I’m done with the macOS version of it, I’ll try and find out what the process of turning the KeyBindings.xml to a Windows compatible situation would be like. I hope it’s just Find&Replace.
Or maybe it’s not Find&Replace at all?

i’ve updated the native loaders to include sidechain device which for some reason was missing.
working on a shareable KeyBindings xml for macOS right now. and mostly learning to re-set the shortcuts on this M1 laptop that doesn’t have a previous Renoise on it.
Also tweaked “Switch to Automation” to work in Sample Editor / Instrument tabs and also in Mixer. Seems quite useful. But am still vague on how to identify plugins from that abcd:efgh format into something sensible, as figuring out what something is, is quite tedious.

being in M1 is severely limited with not all of my plugins being available on ARM architecture.

also had to create 2nd binds for Home *2 and End *2 so that can quickly use laptop keys and external keyboard keys.

I’m also trying to knock together a set of shortcuts that need to be kicked out of macOS shortcuts so that Renoise is more usable. And a setup of Karabiner-Elements that allows for getting Insert/Delete working on your external keyboard.

It’ll take me quite some time to actually get to recreating the keybindings for Windows, but at least I’m moving towards making a Paketti release with KeyBindings.

Is there some way I could incorporate KeyBindings.xml inside the script so that it could be easily loaded?


I just came here to see if there was anything new going on with Paketti. Read your last posts, and was wondering what you mean you want to reboot Peketti for M1?
I have transitioned from Intel to Arm, and have had no issues with paketti. I might not be the most advanced user of it though. :wink:

Anyways. Love the tool. Puts many keyboard shortcuts where it’s missing natively. Still many missing :slight_smile:

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do you still have the mockup, because the forum does not show the screenshot any more.

well, for me rebooting for m1 would mean replacing the vst/audiounits that were non-Arm-compatible, with arm-compatible ones. and continuing the setup so that the keybindings.xml is available in the package itself.

and re-doing and reorganizing the scripts/shortcuts so that they make more sense and are easier to grasp, and better named, if possible.

but, tell me what’s missing, or what could be added, i’m always interested in that.

As said. Not the most advanced user :stuck_out_tongue:
What I miss the most is keyboard preset control for Phrases, Keyzones, Waveform, Modulation and Effects.
As it is now, you have to use the mouse. It’s cumbersome. The GUI buttons for previous/next are also so small, they are quite easy to miss (this goes for Instrument presets aswell). Also, opening the drop down to load a preset is not a big deal. But, having to open it to Save, Save as, Delete, Rename, Import or Export I can live without :slight_smile:

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What does keyboard preset control for phrases, keyzones, waveform, modulation and effects mean?
let’s talk waveform. are you talking about the sample editor? what’s a keyboard preset control for that? please tell me exactly what you mean. the only “preset control” i can think of that is renoise native, is the disk browser which has a couple of slots for modules, samples, instruments etc, that can be saved to, and then it remembers, ok, clicking on 3 in samples will take me to the 3rd preset of samples.

and by phrases, do you mean a specific set of notes inside a phrase? or modulation, where?

effects preset control - are we talking about something other than being able to go shift-c and a Chorus device appears?

i want to know quite clearly what you’re specifically looking for, as this could be interesting, if i could just understand what is being sought after.

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Sorry for being unclear.

What I’m looking for are assignable keyboard shortcuts for the preset functions. Maybe an example screenshot from the Keyzones tab makes it more clear :slight_smile:
Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 01.01.51

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so update - after someone discovered and started using github to post issues to the repository, i wound up trying to continue the process of getting all the keyboard shortcuts to align and be of the same format / copywriting, and i’m just trying to wrap this up. it’s been on my to-do-notes for so long.

unfortunately it seems there’s no way for me to just write a function that would dump my keybindings.xml on top of the current renoise keybindings - as that would make adopting paketti so much easier.

but i’m here, i’m editing pakettiM1 constantly now.

hi if i understand correctly, from my searches of the API, there’s no control over preset loading and preset saving from the API. now, i might be 100% in the wrong, but so far it seems like i can’t find the magic word for it. @joule am i misguided?

These are available:

hi, thanks
i’ve been crafting away at fixing shortcuts and incorporating more shortcuts and adding more features, and taking in some feature requests i got from jenoki and tkna91, and am now trying to get note-on to note-off sample copying working again, unless if @taktik maybe has removed the copying from the API for some reason (?? did that happen? did i dream it?)

i’ve also been asking multiple questions about this stuff around and also trying to put in shortcuts for changing outputs of tracks, but has not yet been succesful, since there’s quite a bit to craft.

oh and also started differentiating the plugin loaders so they say (VST) when it’s a VST and (AU) when it’s an AU, as that seems to help.

i’m also trying to make it so that you can press a key and it will load the sample in question into Logic or Ableton Live.
here’s an example

and renaming the shortcuts and menu entries and grouping them better, etc.

just general overhaul stuff.

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@esaruoho Thanks for the work! Looking forward to the next release!

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is the current version on the tools page for 3.1 usable in 3.4.3? i’m having a little bit of trouble following the thread as to whether its currently broken or a new version is being worked on.

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Try Releases · esaruoho/org.lackluster.Paketti.xrnx · GitHub