New Tool (3.3): value stepper

Nice work :slight_smile: What about moving notes, if delay value reaches FF / 00?

This may be by design but I noticed with the Pan & Delay columns if the column is blank and I step down they start scrolling from the highest value or if it’s blank and I step up it starts from the lowest value.

I noticed Volume only lets you scroll down from maximum to minimum volume not min to max. Again, might be on purpose. Just thought I’d report

Thanks! I think there are “nudge tools” that do this specifically. It feels a bit out of scope for this one but I’ll think about it… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Blank in the panning column means dead centered audio or a value of 40 (64 in decimal), if you step it up it goes 41,42 etc, if you step it down it goes 3F, 3E, 3D and so on. 00 means pan to the left and 80 is panned completely right. Renoise converts 40 to a blank to be easier on the eyes, this tool does the same but you can disable this in the settings and have 40 written out when centered.

With volume a blank means max volume or 80 (128 in decimal), so you can only step this down as it is already at max.

Hope this clears things up!

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Good morning. My tool does that, but only in a lame way, e.g. if another note is in the way, there is not wrapping to a new note column, etc. I don’t think that this is out of scope, if you manipulate the delay column, since it is the time-domain then. Also very practical to align notes with that after using Renoise’s buggy midi recording (on mac) for instance. Later I added stuff like aligning only each 2nd note and so on, to add some swing. I get nobody than me ever used that, since I didn’t make a tutorial video. I hope you make your tool a strong code base, so my tool becomes obsolete.

Makes sense, thanks!

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True, it makes sense conceptually but in practice it would be messier to implement than I feel comfortable right now: as you said, it would be either incomplete since you can’t push through other non-empty lines or if it would create new columns then the cursor would need to go to those new delay columns to continue stepping as well which is not possible with the current tool API. If this changes I might reconsider adding this but I’d rather have something simpler but more general than something that can do many things incompletely (the latter already describes my life, I seek refuge from that here :stuck_out_tongue: ).

The other thing I don’t want to deal with is the case of delaying multiple notes at once where different lines get moved at different steps going out of the selection area, or new colums getting added that should be reversible via stepping in the opposite direction etc. It’d get dirty too fast, both for me and for the user, so I think it is better to omit this functionality or make a separate tool just for this, which would be easier to maintain as well.

Currently I use Super Nudge to move lines btw, although it also has the limitations you mention.

That being said my goal was never to make your tool obsolete nor to reproduce every feature it has, if you find anything useful in my code feel free to use it or build on top!

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Fixed the settings view error that came with the last update!

version 0.4 - a relatively useful update


Added an optional relative mode which makes it so that you start stepping empty columns from the last value in the column, instead of the default value.

For example if you step a note to D-3 and go down a few lines to enter another note, the empty column will start stepping from D-3 instead of the default C-3. This makes it easier to write melodies by intervals or create sweeps, volume fades, continuously changing effect commands etc.

It only works with a single column as it wouldn’t make sense with block selection.

Download links are in the first post as before.


version 0.41

  • fixed a bug that prevented batch stepping empty columns in “step values with notes” mode

  • added an option to select instruments when stepping the instrument column

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This is perfect! Thank you!

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Nice tool! Very handy.
Am I missing something or it doesn’t work on phrases editor?


Hey, thanks @Psygoo!

Unfortunately Renoise doesn’t provide the same support to tools for phrases so I couldn’t make it work there. Maybe a future Renoise version will implement support as requested here but it’s outside of my control.


Woah i love this tool thanks for that…!


This is a fantastic tool. Thanks for the great work @unless .


Great tool. Can’t believe I missed this.

It’s an essential thingy!


Really appreciate this tool, feels like it should be baked in to Renoise.

That said, I’ve been getting some crashes sometimes. Hopefully this screenshot helps shed some light on why:


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Thanks for the report with screenshot @Handed, it helped me catch and fix the error in the version below.

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version 0.43 fix

  • fixing an error related to stepping values outside the selection

Fantastic, thanks for the fix @unless . I’ve installed the new version and it’s working fine so far.