New tool (3.4.3): Piano Roll Studio v6.3 build 564 (May 2024)

  1. Above this thread you have a small guide to get you started quickly with some details. You can read it here.
  2. The PRS has an extensive User Manual where everything is explained. Go to PRS: Preferences/About PRS. There is a link to the User Manual, both in English and Spanish. Especially read sections 5 and 6.
  3. If you don’t want to waste time reading text documentation, here’s an example:

Insert a note block. With CTRL + simple click on a cell of the grid:

Basically, a single click is used to “play” or “locate and play” the note block. PRS uses the combinations of SHIFT - CTRL - ALT & “+ simple click”, or “+ click and drag” or “+ mouse wheel” to perform editing operations very immediately. You do not need to previously change any switch to execute a multitude of editing operations. This way of operating is very fast. You just have to learn the possible combinations.

To summarize, in this panel you have all the controls:

Always visit this “Mouse / Keys” panel to remember the keyboard commands depending on the control surface used.

*This image is available inside the installation folder: **…\ com.ulneiz.PianoRollStudio.xrnx \ keys ***
Go to Renoise: Tools / Tools Browser. Select “com.ulneiz.PianoRollStudio (Piano Roll Studio)”. Right click on “Reveal in Explorer…

You can print it in black and white to have all the keyboard commands on one piece of paper.

You can focus attention on the Note Editor Controls (Grid Panels) section.

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Fresh news for registered users…
Due to the high demand from some of you on a specific topic, I have decided to implement it for the next version of PRS, which will probably be published after the next version of Renoise.

In the next version of the PRS you will be able to choose between the name or the email of the user to show in the top bar of the record.
For example, if the user wants to record videos to show the PRS, she will be able to protect her email. It will only show the real name of the user.

Would you like to record videos and publish them with Renoise and Piano Roll Studio? Now you can do it comfortably.

Unfortunately, already registered users will need to re-receive a new license with the updates…

As always, all the news will be published on the day of its launch.

Although normally yourselves consult me with matters in private, I have considered posting this here for everyone.

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I am also coming to the mill with a bit. Is it possible to add special settings for individual colors in the note column in the settings? If the display of colors in the track is turned off, it would still be possible, but if not, the difference in colors of individual note columns is not very visible for us with weaker eyes :slight_smile:

or just set the color of the active note column

“Can you add this? Can you add that? Ups! We have another FL Studio!!!”.

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I was wrestling with this particular issue when designing it.

What the PRS does is take the exact original RGB color of the selected track, for example the color red. So, the note blocks of the selected note column (where the cursor is in the Pattern Editor), take the exact color of the track, and the rest of the note blocks of other note columns will have the same color, but dimmer.

Some colors are not very suitable (do not look as good) for this use, but the user should use appropriate colors to differentiate their tracks.

Actually, the PRS is designed so that the user does not have to go crazy with the color theme, having to adjust too many things. I prefer that this whole thing works as it is, automatically.

The only thing I can do is tone down the RGB color difference a bit more. But honestly, I think it’s more important for the user to use the most appropriate RGB colors. Since each track can use the entire RGB palette, it’s easy to set colors that are too dim, not too intense. But the more alive they look the better.

@martblek. By the way, the issue of randomizing the notes to respect the transposition scale of the instrument is already implemented for the next version. I’m putting together some features that have to do with randomization and scaling. Everything will come…

There is no problem with users commenting a few things about any program. In fact, many good ideas have come from comments on the forums. Talking is good…

However, any serious developer will always be measuring what things are suitable to implement and what things are not. A program with thousands of options can be counterproductive. In general, the simpler and more straightforward everything works, the better. And this is not an easy task. In fact, Renoise is a great example of this. It could have 1000 more things implemented under the hood, but it would be unruly. That’s what Lua tools are for… and Renoise/Redux compatibility with other programs.

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The problem is, that bugs is not fixed. Instead of solutions, better create something else. Why? Answer - because you can! Is it good or not - who care?

True in part. I believe that it is more important that what is already created works correctly, and the rest must come later.

Fixing bugs is critical. Renoise is pretty stable on most things. The bugs that Renoise have are being resolved little by little. That’s why there are maintenance releases. We can always complain that they take too long to release new versions. But it is what is in such cheap software. There is no medium-sized company behind it with a large workforce.

If you detect any errors, contact the developer of Renoise. I am sure that he will seek to have his software perfectly working, within his possibilities. And there are things that are difficult to solve and others that are also ignored. I guess there is a hierarchy of priorities.

Personally, I would prefer the API available to create Lua tools to be much better in some details. But I think what little time there is should be devoted to solving bugs and optimizing. It is that there is not a great team of developers and there is not a lot of time dedicated to it. You know, the world runs on money.

When maybe two years ago I got somewhere in internet, version 2.8. for free, I was very happy that finally find something, like FT2.
From one side I was able to use this version forever. From other side, belive me or not, I was decide to buy the license, even if the changes in the new release are very minimal. I decide spend money for this software because I like it very much!
Yes! Everything went wrong, when come 64 bit version. Lot of problems with VST and so on…
BUT!!! Even if suddenly, after version 3.3. will come out version 4 with double price, I will BUY IT!!!
But my problem is that I am morron! It’s draw me crazy, when I see how people who smart in programming go in very wrong direction but in the same time, all, what I can do is writing “Hello world!”. I was try severel times myself in programming but it is no sense. And it is very crazy when I can not help myself to solve problem in Renoise.
And that why its mad, when someone instead to do some solutions , create something stupid, like Piano roll. It’s like bycicle with wings.
For example, due to my bad English I can not explain correct, why I need this 5*ing horizontal lines in Sample Editor mode. I belive, it is not so hard to make them…

Now you see, what happen when Renoise programming come in wrong hands…

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I think that at this point there is no need to get so frustrated and it is wise to be more calm (with the best intention of the expression). If you have been using Renoise for so long, you will know that it has always depended on the same person. And to my knowledge, this person hasn’t changed his view of her. In fact, he maintains very well the path that he himself traced. Like I told you, Renoise could have 1000 more things included, and they aren’t for some reason, the vast majority probably because he has made one decision after another.

On the topic of piano rolls. Honestly, I think some users are losing their way. Renoise is a closed software, which depends on someone who has always maintained the tracker as it is. Besides, far from all that, it offers an API to be able to extend Renoise capabilities, so you can create window Lua tools, for example, that “do not depend on Renoise”. All of these tools do not modify anything in Renoise at all. They are extensions that you can install or not. This by definition is always good, regardless of the type of tool.

There is no dedicated time. No one should be scared of having a piano roll implemented under the Renoise hood, simply because it’s a pretty complex thing to create (it takes a lot of work and time). There is no material time to do such a thing, regardless of whether it is suitable or not. No need to worry too much about this (I’m aware there are several forums on Renoise talking about piano rolls).

Everything else, dozens of comments and complaints against certain issues are out of place. In fact they do not have the slightest influence. These comments just appear on the forums and end up dying there. They may be useful for some people to let off steam, but for nothing else. Renoise will continue to be what it is, and I think it hasn’t done too badly so far, given the circumstances. Renoise has enough to keep up.

But yes, I would also like more updates of Renoise, of whatever kind, as long as they improve their performance, and not the other way around… These types of complaints are absolutely reasonable.

By the way, by extension, any software program “is stupid”. Everyone follows instructions…

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Yes! At least it’s not disturb me and I can ignore it. But from other side…
I don’t know, what to do…
…something like in song, “Renoise and vodka take me away…”

The following Basic Scheme shows the most important parts of Piano Roll Studio and how it is linked with Renoise. It can serve to give you a slight idea of how it is structured (you can open this image full screen to see it much larger):
prs_basic scheme
This file will also be available in PDF format within the tool for the next version… Now that Renoise has already reached version 3.4, everything is ready.

Piano Roll Studio. RGB Color Themes, full throttle!

Did you know that the PRS is fully configurable for the color Theme?

Here are a couple of examples on the visual integration of the PRS in Renoise. You can configure all the colors so that the PRS is totally visually integrated with the color theme used in Renoise.

Renoise 3.4 Theme used: White Clearness (NPC1)


Renoise 3.4 Theme used: Molokini (thefifthcircuit)


As you can see, the visual integration is complete. It is even difficult to distinguish which parts are from the Renoise window and which parts are the PRS window.

The Piano Roll Studio is a single window tool that also allows you to customize its entire appearance, respecting Renoise. It has up to 8 fully customizable themes individually. You can try thousands of color combinations…

Configure the look as you want!


Raul, the color themes looks very nice^^. Something i really liked in Cubase was the ability to duplicate and move notes quickly with keyboard commands. Like for instance:

Ctrl+D = Duplicate selection or note.

Ctrl+Left/Right arrow = move selection/or single note left or right.

Up and down arrows = Move selection or note up and down.

Shift + up and down arrows = move selection or note one octave up or down.

Shift+alt+arrow left/right = decrease/increase duration of selection or single note according to grid resolution.

And by using the alt+arrow key right/left you could quickly scroll between the different notes/chords in the part.

I just liked the speed by doing this and not having to use the mouse so much. :slight_smile:

@Telzer. All the necessary operations (drag, clone, transpose, move, etc…) are covered with the keyboard + mouse commands, including selection and operations with multiple specific note blocks. At the same time, the PRS preserves on purpose all the key commands from the Pattern Editor of Renoise! This detail is very important.

That’s why the PRS avoids having other single keyboard commands like CTRL+D and such, since everything can be done from the mouse (or with the Renoise commands mentioned). For example, CTRL+D in Renoise duplicates a track. All of that is included (that is, from the PRS you can duplicate a track with CTRL+D, and things like that).

If you get used to using the mouse pointer with the SHIFT-CTRL-ALT combinations you can go like a bullet. As in everything, at first it is a matter of learning and getting used to it.

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The link for the new version is dead…

Effectively, it’s not available yet. I plan to post it this weekend… I’m making sure that all the news works perfectly.

I just tried the new version but the key doesn’t work for me. still reports demo version :frowning:

Licensed composers will need to receive a new one for version 2 and later. This is due to a change in the protection system. The old license will not work.

Any composer can request their new license through a PM. Contact me directly.

I have not yet officially released version 2 of the PRS on this forum. I am reviewing some things, due to recent changes in Renoise 3.4.0 and 3.4.1. When everything is ready, I will announce it with a new entry in the continuation of this thread.

Piano Roll Studio 2 has been published!

I am pleased to announce that the new version 2.0.293 of Piano Roll Studio has just been released.

Go to the first comment of this thread for more information. You can check all the news in the Update History section. You can distract yourself with all the news!

This is a major update, with a lot of additions, improvements, and also included feature requests from some licenced composers. Of course, it is ready to work together with Renoise 3.4.1 and future versions.

Re-download and install

What should they do? Download the latest version of the PRS again (version 2.0.293). If for some reason, before launching this comment you have downloaded this version of PRS2, it is recommended to download it again and reinstall it (because the package has changed slightly).

  1. For those licensed composers must ask me for the new license (the old one will not work).
  2. For the rest of the users can try the PRS2 with the Demo version.

New Personalized Use License renewed. Changes (only for Licensed Composers)

For PRS version 2 (and future versions) a new Personalized Use License is required, which also registers the name and surname of the composer.

The new protection system allows the composer to select his “name + surname” or his “email” to appear in the upper bar of the window.

Go to PRS / Preferences Window / About PRS and change the “Name” or “Email”. You will need to restart Renoise for the changes to take effect. For your safety, capture and post your videos or demos using the “Name”. Keep your “Email” private.

A privacy issue (Name or Email). This new utility allows the composer to be able to capture videos with the PRS with greater security to publish them on social networks or on platforms such as YouTube, without the need to publish their Email in the capture.

This new change has been implemented because several licensed composers have requested it from me.

Thank you very much for the support received!

Enjoy it!

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