New Tool: DrumSynthEX

I completely forgot to write that I have another tool out.
After a long period of renunciation, I finished this tool in a usable form.
This is a remake of the older DrumSynth program.
Unfortunately, this one did not work correctly for me on Win,
so I wrote its internal replacement directly into the API for Renoise.

I also tried to add a few more extensions like Phaser, Resonator and modified Decimator.
Other wave generators added.
The tool can load internal .ds files created in the original DrumSynth version 1 and 2.
You can also save in .ds format, but the data will not work in the original DrumSynth due to modifications and added things.


Here is some older video. However, many things have already been rewritten.
Unfortunately, there is no demo version because I don’t want to maintain 2 versions of each tool.
For those who would like to support my work / it’s more fun :slight_smile: / the tool is available on Gumroad.

.ds info page


How is this compared to Almost Drums? This seems like Almost Drums on Steroids!!!

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Oooooh, bless you my child!!! Hell yeah!

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Updated to v0.02