New Tool: Reverse Playback

Using 0.21 I’m getting the following errors:

etc, etc…

some samples do load, strange. What could be the problem?

Weird stuff… I’m not touching any instruments or samples, can you send me the .xrns so I can reproduce the bug?

I’m using your .xrns! dreamer-flying_cows.xrns :) Maybe you are using some fonts in the sample names that I haven’t got installed?



could be something for the bug forum?

Perhaps, I’m currently working on a mac and can’t reproduce the bug, I want to test this on windows to see if I can reproduce the bug.

Maybe that’s the thing, flacs created on the mac in renoise not being compatible on Pc Renoise?

FLACs should be FLACS should be FLACs!

Well, 32-bit FLACS ain’t FLACS but Renoise FLACS ;)

Not true, the standard FLAC definition includes up to 32bit, just not a lot of software or hardware support it.

“FLAC supports only fixed-point samples, not floating-point. This is to remove the imprecision of floating point arithmetic so as to ensure the encoder is fully lossless. It can handle any PCM bit resolution from 4 to 32 bits per sample, any sampling rate from 1 Hz to 655,350 Hz in 1 Hz increments,[8] and any number of channels from 1 to 8.”

Also Renoise has to be cross-platform compatible with itself so there should be no difference between which platform the file is created on!


Yeah currently it does already for a while.
It didn’t supported it before Renoise used it though.
I know that because we had backstage discussions about this problem (FLAC only supporting up to 24-bit) during the first implementation of FLAC support in Renoise.

Used to only be up to 2 channel as well didn’t it? Or am I remembering that wrong? From what I understand their method is kinda expandable (well it must be for Renoise to have done it) so even what is not “officially supported” should still be able to fall within what can be considered a FLAC, and there still should be no difference between platforms.

Anything whatsoever (ANYTHING!WHATSOEVER!) that takes us closer to SBx behaviour in Impulse Tracker for Renoise is a big plug. (Altho, I don’t remember a ping-pong-loop-pattern-section-impulsetracker-style, did I miss something?)

Have never used impulse tracker, based this assumption on vague memory of impulse tracker youtube vids :) - with the screen all going baserk.

You can use Cxx and Bxx commands to jump around the orderlist and accomplish various things such as backwards playback, but SB0 is what we use to loop until SBx is met, i.e. SB0 “starts loop”, SBx says “play from SB0 x times then carry on”. Yes, you can use SBx (loop)+ Cxx (jump to the next pattern’s xx row) + Bxx (Jump to pattern xx) to create backwards playing loops and forward playing loops, but getting pingpongloop to work would be quite intensive to get going. However, considering Renoise has nothing even remotely similar to SBx (I’m not counting Block Loop, since it is a static ON/OFF [[for now]]), I do hope we’ll get SBx or a similar thing in Renoise eventually

All of this sounds great and I’d love to experiment with it, though implementation might pose headaches with current or future features. I don’t think we’ll see this soon unfortunately.

Well, even Instrument-specific Pattern-lengths would be a great start (this would be one of those things I miss from BuzzTracker - something which it had back in 1999)