New Tool: Route To New Send

Route to new send


A simple but useful tool for the purpose of improving workflow. It will add a send device automatically routed to a new send track - a task i guess some of us execute manually quite often.

Menus & Keybindings:

Keybinding preference is found under Global:Tools:Route to new send.

Menus are found by right clicking the Track DSPs Chain or the Mixer.

Next version:

  • Same thing for multiband send wanted?

Feedback and suggestions are much appreciated! Or just let me know if you like it :)

Joel on a roll! :drummer:

Fixed. Thanks. (redownload)

thanks. +1

this is an excellent example of a place in which a tool is a better option than a native implementation, imo. great idea for a tool, will check it out later.

Very nice, thanx! :)

Maybe a suggestion. sometimes one would like to add a track to an existing send. I imagine when navigate to “add a new send” a sub-menu opens with possibility to select the send the track has to be routed: “new”, “Send 1”, “Send 2” etc.
But this could also be done with copy/paste existing send devices in the mixer view. So the benefit would not be that high ;)

Really useful tool! Saves tons of time! Thanks!

Selecting an already available send is very simple in the send device itself. But your suggestion is very good from a user perspective, since it would gather the options in one single menu. However I don’t like the idea of having to go one step further into a sub-menu.

Maybe two menus in that case: “Route to new send”, and “Route to (existing) send” with sub-menus. And renaming the tool to “Send menu”. Later on, when better API functions are available, features like “Move DSP chain to (new) send” can be added.

awesome! :)

Looks great but could use a few more optimizations.

I’ll give you a case that supplies various errors which are not trapped:
-Create a new song containing no send-channels.
-Add two send devices in track one.
-select the to send channel option in the context menu
-have fun debugging

I cannot reproduce any error. Please clarify.

'C:\Users\vvoois\AppData\Roaming\Renoise\V2.8.0\Scripts\Tools\joule.no0b.RouteToNewSend.xrnx\' failed to execute in one of its menu entry functions.  
Please contact the author (joule) for assistance...  
std::logic_error: 'failed to instantiate the device 'Audio/Effects/#Send/#Send'. the device is either unknown, or an error happened while initializing it.'  
stack traceback:  
 [C]: in function 'insert_device_at'  
 main.lua:13: in function 'add_send_device'  
 main.lua:21: in function <17><br>

I'm a bit mean here because i am trying your tool in an Alpha edition of Renoise. So if simply even rightclicking and selecting the menu option does not fire an error for 2.7.2, then i have not said anything yet, just that you then have to prepare yourself to update this one for the next version.</17>

No problem, I will. Thanks for preparing me :)
Meanwhile I will suppose that the tool is OK, until someone else is reporting something.

Would be great :)