New Track/new Song Buttons...

Hope I’m not picking nits here, but has to get this one off my chest…

One of the things that have come to annoy me the most about Renoise, is the fact that the buttons for “Insert a new track” and “Start a new song” look exactly the same. More than one time I have nearly erased hours’ worth of work because I pushed the wrong button (yes, I know I ought to save more often, but sometimes I get caught up in the composing and things just slip my mind… :)).

Luckily there is the “Are you sure? This will delete the whole song and can’t be undone”-dialogue after you push the “Start a new song”-button. Still I dread the day when I have made a brilliant track and ignore the “Are you sure”-dialogue because I’m too eager to lay a new track and just push “Yes” without thinking twice…

Anyway, this isn’t a major problem, but if anyone besides me find it a bit irritating, I hope it wouldn’t be a too big task to change the design of one of the buttons.

Besides that, absolutely love the program!
